Thirty Eight (18+)

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My entire world is consumed by one thing and one thing only... The feel of my mate as he takes what he needs from my body. His teeth pierce the skin of my shoulder for a third time as he so lovingly pins me down with his beautiful body. The tenderly demanding action forces another bolt of painful pleasure down my spine before fizzling out as I lean into him, my body no longer able to muster a physical release to match the new burst of blooming warmth inside me that spreads from his engorged tip as he fills me.  The sensation is odd, but its one that tugs on my heartstrings as happy tears fall from my eyes... To be so lovingly cherished that in his passion he couldn't settle for orgasming inside of me just once... That one mark hadn't been enough to fill the need to bind my very soul to his... This is more than just making love... It's a desperate need to touch each other in every single way possible.

I had thought it would be over after the first mark... The way his teeth had ripped into my shoulder had been so savagely delightful I had gone blind for a few moments while my body spasmed around him... Surely it had felt even better on his end, to own me completely as he let himself spill into me with a groan. But instead of calming him and pushing him into the same exhaustion threatening to overtake me, it had flipped a switch in the man drilling into me with enough passion to force the headboard to slap against the wall and scrape the floor... He had orgasmed... But instead of settling down and knotting me he had gotten a second wind...and a third and now seemingly a forth, each with a new position that seems to help him sink deeper and deeper inside of me to deliver each new release... And release he had... I can feel each seeping bloom of warmth as his seed fills me again and again, his member never softening or stopping, just thrusting deep inside of me and slamming against my prostate in a way that makes my soul flee my body for a brief moment each time he bottoms out.

As exhausted as I feel... As painful as some of the twinges are when his strokes get a little too rough... I don't want Silas to stop... All I want is to fall into each deep rhythmic stroke and melt into him while he holds me...

My whole life I've felt so out of place... So achingly alone even in a room full of my packmates... I never thought it would be possible for me to feel so loved... To give my belly to the sweet man inside of me and have him stroke it with the most caring of caresses... To have his hands touch me to control me without ever losing the softness of his love...


An angel... That's what my sweet Adrian is... His body a hedonistic haven, warm and welcoming... and more importantly full of me... Pulling out on the backswing of my hips with every stroke leaves my head swimming, popping out accidentally when he squirms to try and get closer to me.

He doesn't object as I pull away to look at him for a moment, so beautiful underneath me. I settle back on my knees and fall prey to the blessed sight of my cum starting to leak from him mixed with his glossy slick. It's too tempting not to bring my hands up and spread his legs just a little further apart so I can see him better... To let my fingers brush his stretched hole and pull away with the gorgeous wetness of our combined fluids coating my knuckles. 

I catch his stunning blue eyes as they scan my face and watch as his lovely skin is lit up with a flush that makes me want to weep at the sight of him... Everything I could ever need... Or ever want to be wrapped up in one person.

How long had my sweet boy been holed up in his room waiting for me to find him? To make love to him this way... Properly... Every ounce of emotion I have wrapped up in carefully slipping into him again... In hearing the beautiful gasp that breaks past his lips while pleasure-filled tears stream down his face...

I'll never grow tired of this... Of his deep groans broken only by beautiful gasping shrieks every time my mouth finds a new place to latch on to... Every time my teeth sink into his succulent skin, the beautiful ivory now decorated with two marks on one shoulder, one on the other... All telling the story of who he belongs to... Of how loved he is.
Of how loved he will always be...

I'll build him his library... I'll build him a thousand libraries... Anything to be able to climb into the same bed as him every night and love his needy body until he clings to me exactly like this...

Too exhausted to come for me anymore... But still willing to nurse my flesh deep inside of his body... His hands latched onto my shoulders as I hold his tired thighs around my waist... I let my hips slow down, my need for him not saited, only renewed and put to rest for the time being as I feel more blood start to pull its way down to my still straining cock... Just one more...

I settle myself more deeply into my sweet boy, his lips finding mine to kiss me in a way that has my hand climbing his sensuous body to bury itself in the back of his now tangled halo of curls fanned out on the pillow. I use my newfound leverage to express what I need, his head falling to the side to expose the shoulder with only a single bite in it... A loving offering, a smile on my Sweetheart's face as his hand finds my cheek and he guides me to his sweet spot... Urging me to mark him again... To claim him just one more time as my knot starts to form.

His hollow scream is music to my ears as I spill into him one final time, my flesh widening until we're locked together and he's trembling underneath me, just one request floating from his consciousness to mine...

Hold me...

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