Sixty Seven

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Soft whimpers of "D-Daddy..." Make their way to my ears as I cradle my sweet love while he's all bundled up in my lap, both of us drenched in the heavy comforter to help ease his shivering while the quietest of scattered little moans escape his lips... My baby molds himself to me in the best of ways while his body tries to understand what's happened... As he tries to understand the heaviness of his body against the clouds he's floating on. On trying to understand exactly why he's been turned into such a completely melted puddle by the sensation of getting marked in such a sensitive area.

Marking is normally only done once... Just once and Just on the soft spot of the neck... But my sweet baby... My angel... has managed to accept so many of them, the imprints of my teeth spreading out over his slender shoulders, this last one nestled on his inner thigh the most potent, the nerves there unused to the touch of others... the tender flesh still trying to get used to the gentlest of my caresses, much less my teeth digging in deep enough to make him scream and come close to thrashing to try and escape the pleasure that had shot through him like lightning... His beautiful body so enraptured with the true joy that lights up his very soul when I claim him.

Watching such an extreme orgasm from the vantage point of between his thighs was enough to force my own release to ooze from my tip making me groan around his flesh, unaided by my hand, just the memory of his hands sliding all over my body... The way his body had spasmed in its entirety, his hands leaving my hair to ball themselves up in the sheets to hold on for dear life... The way his back lifted so high off the bed in its arch that not even my hands could hold him down... All of it had been so absolutely magnificent I thought I would lose my mind right then and there... Maybe I had... My beautiful mate has my attention so entirely that I don't think I would even notice if it was even gone as long as he stays in my arms.

His orgasm had left him a shivering mess, aftershocks of the purest pleasure rocking his stunning body rending him melted and in desperate need of cuddles from his Daddy... And it had left me feeling much the same... I need him in my arms this way right now... At least until he's calm enough to ease into his nap... Maybe even after for a little while too, the emails and paperwork waiting on me nothing that can't sit until after dinner... If it were anything urgent Liam would call me... Until then, all of my focus is on the stunning creature in my arms.

A shy cry into my shoulder pulls me out of my own heightened headspace, his rosey cheeks flaring to life as he presses against me. The tiny wail continues until I realize what's happening, what he's doing with his hands.


"Hey hey hey... No, Baby", Daddy's hand is firm when he pulls my hand away from my new mark to keep me from squeezing it again to flood my system with the rush that comes from touching it. His scolding is soft as he tugs my hands up out of the blanket to keep me away from what I want to touch.

" Daddy it feels good.." I try not to let it sound like a sob, but, "You said I could touch..."

"I said you could touch Me, Baby..." I'm met with steadfast resistance when I try and pull my hands away in frustration.

"I-I want to touch me, Daddy..." So badly... Even if it's just a trace. A tickle... Just one more squeeze to remind my flesh of the intensely sensual act that had just taken place if only for the echoes of the memories play through my body, the pleasure no less potent than when Daddy's teeth we're still buried in my flesh.

Who would have thought that he'd ever feel so strongly about me to even think of marking me more than once... That he means so much to me that I've let him decorate me in savage bites, all of which are surrounded by lesser imprints of his teeth from nips that were just a touch too excited and hickeys so deep I hope they won't ever fade...

The sweetest of nuzzles pull Daddy to my attention, his presence overwhelming my happy place in such a positive way... Even if he is telling me no, "You have to let it heal... And then you can play with it whenever you want... Okay?"


"It won't feel the same..." My sweet boy finally succeeds in breaking free of the gentle grasp I have on his wrists, but instead of being naughty he wraps his arms around my neck in a fierce yet watery hug, sniffling into the flesh of my throat, "Not at all, Daddy..."

His little whimpers break my heart but, "We have to let it heal, Sweetpea... I'll tell you what though..." His breathing pauses so he can hear me over his wobbly tears, his lips a silent pucker against my skin, "When it heals I'll do it again... You can play with this one while that one is fresh..."

The suggestion warrants a whine on the part of my little bean, nodding and nuzzling closer to me in the sweetest fashion, seeming content to hang on to me and wiggle just enough to switch from being splayed carefully in my lap to straddling me, pressing as much of our bodies together as possible.

I welcome the change, relishing the feel of his slightness nestled into me adjusting only the blanket around us to keep him warm and cozy so his headspace doesn't take a turn. So far his tears had been harmless, just over stimulation of his sleepy system, needing a nap now more than ever, my precious little prince, and he's stunning as he settles himself down for one so seamlessly.

His new calm however doesn't protect me from the cuteness of his next request, this one more reasonable than playing with his freshest mark, "C-can you read to me, Daddy?"

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