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Instead of answering his Princess questions, my stunning Angel is too wrapped up in trying to sneakily press kisses to my cheek and giggling hysterically every time I cut my eyes to him and catch him in the act. It's absolutely adorable, and every belly full of laughter makes the smile on my face bigger and bigger, my fingers wiggling against his supple flesh where they lay shoved into the panties he had somehow found the words to ask for against his well-pounded asscheeks. 

"Are you okay, Princess?" Again, no answer, just the light pop of a kiss against my cheek that makes me hold him just a little tighter, his post-coital silliness something I'll always cherish, though with the way he tends to like it when I take his physical breath away somewhere around our last round as his finale it worries me when he refuses to answer me at all during our little check-in to make sure I haven't hurt him being too aggressive or rough with his delicate body. 

"Bean, I need you to answer me, please. Daddy needs to know if you're alright."


No No No No No-, "I am not Bean... I am your Princess and no I am not alright, Daddy." And I am not... There is a distinct lack of food filling my belly and I think its high time, "You haven't fed me yet."

The muscles that had tensed in their hold of me in response to the answer I was finally able to string together up here floating in such a thick fog, my throat sore in the best way possible relax again, a light pat being gifted to my behind in response to my cheekiness, "You know your Daddy's Princess, but that doesn't make you any less of a bean... And I thought that this morning was supposed to be you doing things for me?"

"I did do things for you, D-Daddy", a hiccup bursts through the last word as it tumbles from my lips, and it does more than tickle me pink, my giggle being kissed away before Daddy lets me continue, "But it's still against the rules for me to use the stove because someone keeps putting off getting a new one."

The growl and squeeze of my bottom that Daddy gives in response to my answer full of nothing but fondness as he starts trying to return the little pecks I haven't been able to stop myself from giving him, the only compromise I had been able to come to with my wolf who very much currently thinks we should be licking his face and squirming against him with how happy and full we feel... How hopeful our clouds feel as we bounce against them. 


"You're sassy this morning." And so cute... If he wasn't demanding to be fed I'd be content to stay here forever just playing a game of tag with our lips and cheeks, his nuzzles filled with more enchanting hiccups and gentle laughter that makes me want to roll us over and slide back into him, intrigued by the thought of what those parties might feel like and if they might chafe my member if he were to keep them on and I simply pushed them to the side...

"I feel good, Daddy... It happened this time... I know it did... And I sucked you off without biting it off!" His squeals seem almost misplaced as they ring out until I understand what he's saying.

I'm excited that he thinks that this morning is the morning we've conceived our first of what I'm almost hoping will be many, but my main question is, "Why were you afraid that you'd bite my penis off?"

His giggles get a little shier as he curls into me a tiny bit more, "I...Daddy, I was reading some stuff online trying to figure out how to do it and they mentioned trying not to use too much teeth... I thought that it was going to be more of an issue than it was."  

I don't think I've ever been more glad to have been paired up with my adorable little book worm, his early morning reading having instructed him quite well, the few instances his teeth grazed my shaft nothing more than a light brushing in the roughness of letting me thrust into his beautiful mouth until neither one of us could take it anymore. 


The sound of Daddy's laugh makes the muted brightness of my soft and fuzzy world shine even more, my other favorite sound that he makes I love it almost as much as when he growls at me... Or calls me Princess... It just makes the warmth pooling inside of my belly and pulsing through my veins swirl as all the butterflies in my currently golden feeling belly take off all at once. It also makes me regret my choice of asking Daddy to finally make breakfast even though I love the feel of our tight snuggle as he plays with both the cheeks on my face and the ones on my butt. 

It's a request that I now very much regret as he starts to shift us, intent on slipping me off of his lap and down onto the bed, a pillow promptly being shoved under my hips to prompt them up before taking a moment to pull his phone off of its charger on the side table, unlocking it and checking it with an attentiveness I've never seen him give the device before he turns back to me with a smile, "What do you want to eat this morning, Princess?"


The smile plastered on Daddy's face only gets bigger as he reaches up and cards his fingers through my sleep and sex mussed hair, the breakfast food he laughs and calls structured pancakes something I know will continue to make his morning even if I would rather have french toast again"Waffles with a serving of baby vitamins... And then we have to check the mail."

"The mail?" The mail is something Liam grabs when he drops by because Silas normally can't be bothered... The mention of it now makes my ears perk up, the haze still clouding my eyes clearing up a bit as I try and think on if I even know where the mailbox is. 

"Yes, Baby. The mail... You can't very well walk around in your new panties all day without having a tiara that matches, right?"

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