Seventy Six

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There's nothing in this world that can compare to the bliss of witnessing another of my beautiful princess's stunning orgasms, his stunning body lit up with the glow of the fire, the crackling and popping of the wood the perfect soundtrack to have backed his moans and wails as I tormented his body with the pleasure he had only just so recently discovered.

I can't keep the lazy smile from gracing my lips as I pull my sweet boy a little closer while he sleeps in my arms, kissing a few of the shadows cast on his face from the dying embers of our bedroom fireplace...

There's so much I want to tell him... So much I want him to know... I wish he could see how pretty he is when he blushes... Or how his giggles never fail to make my heart pound... The way his shy smiles steal my attention so entirely... But at the moment instead of waking him up to drone on and on about all of the little tiny details that leave me so in awe of him, I'm content with stroking his raven locks and watching him sleep.

I never could have imagined how precious I would find him... How sweet and kind and soft-spoken he is... Or how quickly he would steal my heart right out of my chest only to tuck it away safely right next to his own to beat in tandem and pound out the rhythm that would set the pace for the rest of our lives... Slow and steady.


Everything feels so melty... So perfectly warm and full of only Daddy's heartbeat and the warmth of his arms around me until a shift stirs me out of my dazed slumber, the blanket that had been draped over my shoulders after Daddy gave me what he chuckled and called a riding lesson getting wrapped around me... The joke that had almost been lost on me at the time still brings the laziest of smiles to my lips while he stands, lifting me carefully...

Instead of going to the bed like I think he's going to I get carried into the bathroom, the arm under my back giving me a squeeze while Daddy bounces us back and forth until I'm more awake. I'm carefully deposited on the counter next to the bathroom sink, Daddy's hands steadying me until I can lean against the wall without falling over, my wolf reluctantly taking control to keep us upright once he realizes I'm of no use to our shared body at the moment.

I had gotten so lost in the moment that it had lulled me into a calm so sedating and consuming I can't keep my eyes open or tell my up from my own...

It's different than my other headspace... It's not exactly my happy place, but somewhere even more tranquil and calm, a thorough sense of belonging shaking my soul into place so completely I can barely move. It's as if the point had finally hit home that I was... Well... Home.

Not as in the physical house...

Just that the other half of my soul is currently residing inside of the man wetting my toothbrush with one hand, the tube of toothpaste at the ready in the other, pushing my hands back down to my sides when I attempt to try and lift them to take the loaded toothbrush from him. My Daddy... My sweet Silas who loves me and is going to take care of me and let me be his princess for the rest of the time... My fairytale come true...

"Open up, Princess... Let Daddy do it."


My sweet angel drops his mouth open and paints a very pretty picture for me... Those plump lips hanging open, eyes closed while he waits patiently... Trusting me to only stick the toothbrush in his mouth... Any other time I'd be tempted, but we had both had a long day, and my sweet baby's tired himself out bouncing up and down in my lap for so long... And from all of the blissful orgasms, I had been able to drive him to.

I'll never get tired of this... Of taking care of him. He's so calm and so beautiful as he leans into the cradle of my palm placed under his chin only to keep his head still while I slip the toothbrush into his mouth and start to brush his pearly whites for him.

He's so silly all half asleep and giggly, trying to push at the bristles with his tongue combating my careful efforts with little snorts and chuckles.

It takes time, but eventually, I master his mouth... But only after I had to abandon holding his chin in favor of stilling hands that seemed to only want to touch the very few soft bits on my body. After a few too many attempted reaches for Daddy's jewels, my sweet boy had to be held by the wrists to avoid getting himself into a situation he's too sleepy to handle.

"Mmm...Daddy?" Without me holding his chin my angel can now pull his face this way and that to try and escape having his teeth brushed whenever he deems a spot too ticklish... Or like now when he's trying to talk with a mouth full of toothpaste, "Daddy you read to me again? Until I'm asleep?"

I nod knowing full well that it's late and he's exhausted, but I agree because honestly... I doubt he'll still be awake by the time we make it back to bed to lay down.

He proves my point by starting to sway when I slip the toothbrush back into his mouth to finish the job. He finally stays still long enough to let me finish, spitting when I coax him to turn towards the sink and then sticking his tongue out and waiting for...?

"Daddy... My tongue... It gets clean too?" With the request out pops the pretty pink tongue once again, wiggles and giggles pouring from my squirmy Princess when I stroke at it with the bristles before letting him spit again and quickly brushing my own teeth while holding one of his gentle hands in my own, fingers intertwined to keep him calm while he nods off head leaning heavily against the wall.

By the time I'm done and have everything put away in the medicine cabinet my poor bean is softly snoring and struggling to stay upright, my grip on his hand the only thing keeping him from slumping back onto the wall behind the sink.

As I gather my beautiful young man into my arms and marvel at how I can't wait to spend every single day with him learning all about what makes his stunning mind tick... We'd unpack his books and belongings together tomorrow and piece by piece the puzzle and mystery that is my complex mate will fall into place for me to examine and celebrate.

As I slide him under the covers and slip behind him he turns to curl into his place tucked against my chest and safe... All I can think about is how excited I am to see what sides of my Princess I'll be introduced to tomorrow.

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