Sixty Two

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"After Baby touches...Its Daddy's turn..." Daddy's growl makes me so weak in the knees that I nearly fall where I stand, ready to skip cleaning him altogether if it makes him run those hands of his all over my body sooner... His arms looping around my waist to keep me steady while pulling me close for a kiss that makes my heart stop... It's raw and so very full of his passion that the remaining pieces of the lower half of my body that hadn't stiffened his gaze take notice and start to prepare for a repeat of last night. Shivers race down my spine as he kisses the very life right out of me. A deep throbbing starts in my core bringing with it the slippery feel of my slick starting to make an appearance...not a lot of it... Just enough for me to feel the pearl of it that forms when I clench at the feel of his fingers separating my cheeks to touch the entrance only open to easily started from the relentless affection showered over me all day, the warm steamy environment of the shower setting the perfect tone to be smothered by Daddy in the best of ways...

All day he had teased me with soft touches and kisses and stolen touches that drove me mad... all-day I had to watch hauling in the box after heavy box, hard body flexing with every bend... With every step...  I'm so tired of being flustered... I just want Daddy to love on me.


"Y-Y-You already touched...I-Its just my turn, Daddy..." My sweet baby is capable of no more than a whimper when I finally let him breathe, his words causing me to dive back in, the pressure of his lips against my own the only thing keeping what's left of my self-control intact lest I take him right here and now against the cold hard tile of the shower wall. Close to his next heat or not I'm dying to slip inside of him and empty all my body has to offer until he comes away with more than just back pain after we finally finish... So tempting my sweet baby is with all of his whimpers and whines... Driving me absolutely mad with the need to own every part of my beautiful little angel.

"Daddy gets to take as many turns as he wants unless his Baby safewords..."

My answer draws a gasp from his sweet lips without any trace of objection,  Adrian's face glowing as his hair plasters itself to his blush filled cheeks... His baby blues are clenched shut as his palms run over my chest as if trying to memorize the feel of me, his lips parted to make way for the gorgeous pants leaving his mouth...So beautiful... And all mine...

Releasing him from my hold gets harder and harder every time I'm forced to do it, and not just because my sweet boy's legs have turned to jelly with his need for me.


Daddy's hands hold on to me to keep me steady until he's sure I'm strong enough to support myself and keep myself upright before he takes my hands and pulls them up between us, palms up. I keep them there when he let's go, finally allowing myself to open my eyes just enough to watch as he reaches for the same body wash that had been responsible for my bubbles earlier.

The difference between the room temperature body wash and my water warmed palms makes the liquid soap feel cold, though the sensation is quick to disappear when Daddy abandons the bottle and waits patiently for me to start... But the problem is...

I can't...

I feel so close to hyperventilating at just the memory of his chest under my palms that I'm ready to faint trying to comprehend that I've actually been given free rein to touch... To touch everything...

The gentle caress of a palm cupping my face coupled with a soothingly dominant growl is enough to pull me somewhat out of my head... Just enough to catch my breath before his affection is pulled away and replaced by his hands grabbing my own and helping me rub them together to create the lather that would be responsible for cleaning Daddy's beautiful body... Gods...just thinking the words is enough to make my head spin closer and closer towards the edge that shelters my happy place... So close that it's within reach and we've barely done anything at all.


"I-I-I get to touch... I get to touch...", My sweet baby almost can't even breathe with how excited he is, but also because of how nervous he is...

You would think that with how much we've already done... With all the things I've done to him, his nerves wouldn't make an appearance over something like getting to touch me, but maybe I hadn't been clear enough in communicating that he has just as much access to my body as he's let me have to his.

I go slow pressing his hands against my stomach, my muscles tensing underneath his feather-light touch as a sinful, " Ohh Gods..." Leaks from his plump lips with a reverence that leaves me wanting to eat him alive.

I have to guide him at first, dragging his soapy palms up and down my body, but it doesn't take long for him to tug free of my grasp and start to explore on his own.

My sweet boy takes his time drawing patterns on my body with the lather, soothing every displaced nerve from having to people today back into place... Every swipe of his hands causing cords of pleasure to tug on my member making me twitch and ache to be buried deep inside of him again.

He's careful not to dip below my hips, choosing instead to pull and turn me this way and that to focus on the upper half of my body until he runs out of options and comes face to face with the hard cock he's been making leak for the last twenty minutes with all of his gentle touches...

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