Eighty Five

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We spend a few minutes in the cab of the truck after parking, Silas having pulled me into his lap for a few special moments to share sweet kisses and kind caresses of each other's cheeks.

He had let the firm boundary of his mind drop just long enough for me to see how he feels about me... To share with me the depth of his love and let his sweet thoughts act like a balm to my frayed nerve, smoothing them out and calming me in ways only he can.

How could anyone wonder my intense attachment to this handsome hermit when he really is just so... Gentle and caring... He falls into the role of caregiver and provider so easily, chomping at the bit over the thought of letting me help with housework.

If he had his way I'd be lazier than a housecat but ten times happier than any other creature on earth... And all because he loves me.

I just need to remind myself every time I feel so tightly wound over the thought of any kind of space being between me and the warmth and safety of Daddy that he loves me. I am loved. He isn't going to slip through my fingers like grains of sand. He's right here where I can hold him and be held... Where I can touch and kiss and feel the rumbles of his chest when I push the kiss a tiny bit deeper by taking a chance and sucking gently on his bottom lip.


It doesn't take much to make me forget that we're in the truck... In someone else's driveway.

With Adrian's beautiful shyness comes a delicate boldness once he's reminded that he's right where he belongs... That he's my sweet baby and situated in my lap is exactly where he belongs. All I want to do is stay in this moment and let him explore the inner reaches of my mind so he can stumble over the questions I don't know how to ask just yet... Just so we can talk about it... Now with the bedroom out of reach, my mind has a chance to pull itself slightly out of the haze of lovemaking long enough to linger on something Casper said yesterday.

I just barely feel the tendrils of his mind hit jackpot as I slide my tongue into his mouth when a sharp rap on the driver-side window startles us both, the disgruntled face of Mrs.Henderson on the other side. 

My angel dives for the shelter that is the crook of my neck with a groan that tells me he's just as frustrated with the interruption as I am.

The old woman has her bright pink painted lips pressed into a thin line while she crosses her arms and feels the need to shout through the window, "Are you done yet? I've been waiting for hours!"


"More like an hour and some change." The look that accompanies the whispered words makes me giggle as he presses a kiss to my ear before pulling away to let her know, "We'll be in in just a minute Mrs.Henderson."

The old woman has enough blush on to choke a horse... Or at least enough blush to make said horse look like a drag queen with the right set of pumps... Not that I can say that the heavy makeup is helping Mrs.Henderson nearly as much. 

I know Silas catches me chain of thought when he snorts and smiles into my hair for a moment, "You got that right, Babe. Are you ready to go in? You got your book and your chocolate?" 

He pulls said items off of the passenger seat where I had abandoned them before I even can think of reaching for them myself. They get pressed into my hold before his hands slip back around my waist just for a moment to hold me close before releasing me and popping the door.

My beautiful man helps me get off of his lap and safely out of the truck, his hand staying firmly wrapped around mine as he climbs out himself before tugging me to the back of the pick up to fish a toolbox out of the bed and leading the way up the steps and inside.

The house had looked like all of the other houses on the block... Not quite cookie-cutter, but not entirely unique when viewed from the street... But inside it smells lived in and comfortable, the walls plastered with lively lemon and lime patterned wallpaper that is almost too perfect for someone who is apparently so sour. to

He doesn't bother with announcing that we've finally come inside but does stop long enough to slip his boots off and motioning for me to do the same, then proceeding to bend down and line them up next to a pair of comfortable-looking sneakers that could only belong to Mrs.Henderson herself.


"I'm in the kitchen, boys!"

Silas keeps hold of my hand while I clutch mg book and treat to my chest and let myself be guided to the kitchen, still so confused as to why there aren't more signs of Mrs.Henderson's spiteful attitude hidden amongst the china displayed in antique cabinets...

I had imagined the home of a bigot to feel more like an empty house. Filled with too many empty spaces where the love should be... Not full of porcelain dolls and old nicknacks displayed and carefully cared for.

We get to the kitchen through the living room filled with doilies and creepy glass dolls that only make Silas shake his head and pull me along a little faster until we finally encroach on Mrs.Henderson herself, standing in front of the kitchen sink looking ever so cross and full of the forehead wrinkles she deserves for being a hater instead of supporting her Alpha's right hand in his romantic partnership.

"What did you put down the disposal?"

"I didn't break it this time it just stopped working. I told Liam to get over here instead of bothering you, but..." The old woman looks like she wants to say more but suddenly seems to realize that I'm in the room, narrowing her eyes at me, "But I think he must have wanted me to meet the new Luna."

A hand that I have no desire to touch gets extended to me with the falsest of smiles, Silas finally letting the fountain that is the pack link bubble over into my mind so I can get a better feel of her intentions, ensuring that I don't believe her thick outer coating of slime, "Dorothy Henderson. I'm friends with your predecessor and would love to form a bond with you as well" the lines are so polished I almost think she's rehearsed it, and would've thought as much if I didn't have the opportunity to brush against her mind and feel the very real surprise she feels over my presence in the small yet pristine kitchen.

Just as I lift my hand to give her a shake even though it makes my skin crawl just imagining what must have been about to spill from her obnoxiously colored lips, Silas decides to push between us, a stern look not aimed in my direction, but in hers, "No one touches him. Understand?"

I can hear the lump move as Mrs.Henderson swallows her own tongue as Daddy makes me feel safe by laying a thick layer of his dominance over the room, "Make sure you bring that up in book club Henderson. The whole pack'll know by midnight."

The last part is only grunted, Mrs.Henderson, lowering her hand and using it to fish the cell phone out of her pocket before Silas even finishes pulling open the cabinet that houses the pipes to the sink and all of Mrs.Henderson's cleaning supplies.

The toolbox gets pulled close as the cleaning supplies are removed and the valve to the water gets turned until it's shut off before Silas tucks his head and shoulders under in the cabinet under the sink to start the fiddling that will almost certainly always be a foreign language of tools and iron that I don't understand no matter how many fix-it manuals that I pick up out of boredom and read.

I'm not sure what to do with myself at first until I notice a very shifty-eyed Mrs.Henderson gesture to one of the chairs that are currently tucked tightly against her kitchen table while she holds her cellphone up to her ear waiting for whoever is first on her gossip chain to pick up their own phone.

I ignore the offer and instead plop myself down next to Silas on the floor with a smile that can almost be described as genuine before reaching over to give my mate's knee a little squeeze before relaxing against the cabinet and opening my book, candy bar at the ready for my literary adventure with Silas by my side.

A.N. So I started Book Smart's blanket the other day. There is a picture at the top in the media area. It's unfinished and I probably wont share another picture of it until its finished. Just thought you all might like a peek.

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