Chapter 1- Alien?

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My converse tap on the concrete and I tilt my head, "What do you think I should get? Blue or red?" 

"Rrg what?" Dib bangs his hand on his headset trying to get it to work, or something, not answering me. 

"I'll get blue I guess" I say to the cashier and in response, she nods, handing me a blue slushie. 

"Gah! Y/N I'm trying to spy on Zim!" Dib blurts as I grab his arm, pulling him to our table. 

"There you kids are." Dad says as I sat down next to Gaz. 

"Woah what level are you on?" I ask as Dib squishes next to me. 

"57, i'm trying to focus so shh" She says gently, whilst professionally playing her game. 

I nod and stick a second straw in the slushie. 

Dib grabs it before I could taste it, "I wanted red" 

"You didn't answer me!" I swipe it from his hand and he tilts his head. 

"How are you even friends with that," He shudders, "alien." 

"He's not that bad, you just chose to be enemies" I take a sip and our dad speaks up.

"How is your drink children?" 

"She got the wrong color" Dib mumbles. 

I was about to slap him but dad grabs my drink and takes a sip, "It isn't that bad, have you tried it?" 

"No" He whispers. 

"Well while you try my choice of color I will be leaving" I push him out of the booth and step over him, making my way to Zim, who waved me over. 

"Where are you going?" Dib asks from the floor. 

"Away." I give my twin brother a cheeky smile and walk away while he pouts.

"Ah! Y/N, sit down" Zim says behind his children's menu.

"Why are you hiding?" I ask, as Gir slides on my lap.

"Because your lunatic brother will spot me!" Zim fucking yells out. 

"Yeah he will if you yell." I mumble, "He already saw you" 

"He did?" The alien drops his menu and glances over at my families table, "I guess he Did" 

"Pet me!" Gir says on my lap. 

I smile and glide my hand on his fluffy fake fur on his head. Gir purrs like a cat and I smile. 

"Why did you want me?" I ask him. He looks at my reflection on the window

"I dunno to have someone to converse with that isn't a robot disguised as a dog." He rests his chin in his hand. 

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask, as Gir gives me a big hug. 

"You're so nice. I love you" 

I was blushing like shit, "You are so adorable oh my god," I died in his arms as Zim just watched. 

"Why are you all red? What as Gir done to you?" He asks. 

"Nothing! He's just the cutest lil thing just look at him" I pick up the lil robot and turn him towards Zim. 

"Gir is not cute!" Zim pushes him away from his face and I was about to say something, but Gaz interrupted me. 

"Cmon Y/N we're leaving." She walks away, still playing her game system and I get up. 

"Well ill see you tomorrow," I place Gir on the table and punch the small alien in the arm, "You better fuckin be there" 

"I will, I will." He shoos me away, not looking at me. 

I make my way to Dib and bump him with my hip, stealing my drink back. 


"It was mine anyway" I take a sip as he walks next to me on the sidewalk. 

A smile spreads across my face as Zim waves me goodbye. I wave back, but Dib catches me and glares at Zim, "Don't touch my sister" 


Dib gives up and I giggle, "And this is why" 

"Why what?" His glasses glisten in the sunset.

"You should stop hating him. Like he's actually gonna kill you" I say, dramatically stepping over a puddle. 

"Yeah but he might kill you. He might get you in a little trap of thinking your friends, then he invites you over and BOOM!" 

I jump, I was half listening to what he was saying on our way into our shared room. 

"Boom What?" I ask, flopping on my messy bed. 

He jumps on my bed and climbs on top of me, getting right in my personal bubble, "He sacrifices you to his tallest" Dib says in a near whisper. 

I shove him off me, "He wouldn't do that, clearly you don't know who he is." I roll over, burying myself in my covers, "Now you better get the fuck to sleep right now or theres gonna be problems." 

My brother obeys and gets in his bed below me, but before he shuts off the light, he sticks his head out so i could see him, looking up at me, "Make sure he doesn't hurt you, or I will attack" 

I giggle, "What with a couple slaps," 

A groan erupts and the light clicks off. "Night sis" He says after a good amount of scrambling. 

"Yeah goodnight"

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