Chapter 2- Career Day, Again..

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"Dib shut up!" I yell, throwing my pillow in his direction.

"Umf! It's time for school anyway" He responds and I glance at the alarm clock.

"Its fucking four in the morning" I wrap my blanket around me and hop on my bed, "I'm gonna eat you"

He yelps out as I jump on him, "I hate you"

Dib tries to shove me away, but I push back and we both fall off the chair.

"You did not need to wake me by talking to yourself" I say while wrestling him.

He grasps my arm and yanked it, "It was on accident,"

"How-" I wrap him in my princess blanket, "Do you accidentally talk to yourselffahh!"

Dib pulls me in the little blanket cocoon i made around him and we were literally stuck.

"Look What you did" I squint at him and yawn obnoxiously loud in his face.

"I said I was sorry" Dib says as I rest my head on his shoulder while we lay on the floor in a blanket cocoon.

"No, you didn't.." I drift off, i was sleepy.

"Children! It's morning!" Professor Membrane opens his twins bedroom to find the identical siblings wrapped in a blanket on the floor, sound asleep.

"Aww they look like little babies," He proceeds to flip the light switch on and off repeatedly, "Children?"

"Im awake see!" I open my eyes and right away close them.

Dib squirms and finally breaks free in the cocoon.

"Dib has evolved!" I yell out as I rub my eyes.

He giggled in response of my nerd joke and dad closes the door, "I'll leave you two"

I sprint into the bathroom before Dib even knows what's happening, and start to get ready.

After a good five minutes i kick the bathroom door open and chuck my dirty clothes at Dib as i leave.

"You fuckin bitch! Ewww" He yells as i get some food.

"I made eggs and bacon!" I heard the foodio3000 yell as i entered the kitchen.

It places a plate in front of Gaz and I.

I don't eat though, I just take a sip of milk and grab my backpack.

"Y/N? You should eat" Dad says from the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry. It won't even cooperate with my organs if i was anyway" I reply in the living room, glancing through my playlist for a good song.

My siblings and I make our way to the bus stop as our dad calls out, "Don't forget kids, the dance is tonight! I'm the special guest so you can't stay at home"

"Fuck." Gaz mutters under her breath.

"Jeez why can't we stay home" I groan, "I'm not in the mood to be made fun of today"

"I agree, like anyone would notice that the Membrane Twins were missing" Dib says to me as we get on the bus.

We sit next to each other with Gaz behind us. Well it doesn't really matter where we sit because everyone else will be on the other side of the goddamn bus. Why? I actually have no clue. What's wrong with nerdy kids that bite?

My feet tap to the beat of my music as I start to dance to myself. Honestly, i'm so used to the kids calling us freaks i just stopped caring. My music blocks them out anyway.

"Hmm?" I respond to Dib tapping me on the shoulder to get my attention.

Without even looking up from his laptop, he handed me a muffin. I roll my eyes and hide my smile, he knows me too goddamn well. We are twins after all.

"My human!" Zim yells as I hopped off the bus.

"What? I'm not yours to keep" I giggle, walking with him to class.

"I'm pretty sure i'm your only friend" The small alien points out.

I roll my eyes in response, "Yeah that's fucking nice to be reminded of"

He raises an eyebrow, "Did you eat your daily muffin yet?"


"I'm not enjoying this Y/N. Why don't you eat it" He pauses at the classroom door, "Before Miss Bitters sees you"

Dib catches up to me as i eat my muffin in the hall, "Why didn't you eat it when i gave it to you?"

"I forgot"

He tilts his head, "How?

I shrug as i finish my small breakfast.

"Class! Take a seat before i make you" Miss Bitters yells out as I practically jump over Zim to sit at my desk behind him.

"What the fuck was that" The green kid hissed.

"Sorry i had to" I whisper to him as Miss Bitters explains something.

"Dib! Do i need to send you to the principals?" Her voice yells at me.

I cringe as everyone snickers. "Oh goddamn it" I attempt to hide my face as she passes out papers.

"Today is career day class. So you guys will be taking this stupid blob test or whatever,"

Miss Bitters practically slams the test on my desk, "I meant Y/N"

I awkwardly grabbed my pencil and wrote my name on the top.

Miss Bitters always gets our names wrong. I don't even get it. Yea we are basically identical, but we are still the opposite gender. I don't think she knows what a male and female is. Zim doesn't know. Maybe she's an alien. I shouldn't give Dib the idea..

My brown eyes glance back down at my blob test thing. I'm supposed to, uhm, "What?" I whisper, "Zim what is this?"

"Huh?" He turns around to face me, "Just write what it looks like"

"But-" He goes back to his test and I bite my pencil.

After a good 5 minutes, I finished.




"This machine will determine what you are gonna be when you grow up. And its 100% correct so don't cry." She spat as the machine took the first paper.

Keef Greenwich

Police officer

It read in bold. I don't think Keef wanted to get that. I don't think anyone was happy about their results. Well, except my twin.

Dib Membrane

Paranormal Investigator

I smiled at his little dance while Miss Bitters puts my test in the machine.

Y/N Membrane


"Go find your adult" Miss Bitters shoes us once everyone got their results.

"Hey, see you at home huh?" Dib says as we make our way in the hall.

"Yeah. Just- don't get all up in Zim's business. I will know"

Dib rolls his eyes, "I won't"

"Promise" Zim says over my shoulder.

I push his face, "You aren't in this conversation."

He giggles as we all part ways.

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