Chapter 25- Frantic, but Helpful

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"Ugh,, my head," Dib moaned, sitting up from bed.

"Kids! Dinner!!" Professor Membrane yelled from downstairs.

They both stumbled downstairs, boredly eating their food. "So Kids, how was your little field trip?" Membrane spoke up, taking a sip of his green tea.

"What fieldtr-" Dibs eyes widened in remembrance, "Holy shit!" He yelled, jumping up from his chair, knocking it over.

"Dib you're supposed to eat with us!" Gaz yelled after him as he tripped on the staircase.

"I can't! It's for the sake of our sister!" He ran into his room, nearly falling on his messy papers.

Dib spun around his chair trying to remember what happened. He already bit off his fingernails and nearly fell off his desk chair from spinning so fast, until it hit him. Not only the floor, but the items he brought with him to his adventure, or field trip, what his dad called it.

It already took the 15 year old an hour of rolling around to figure out what he was looking for. "The torch! I brought it specifically for footage in case something happened!" Dib yelled to himself, scampering around his room, looking for the drive that connects to the torch.

He stumbled back to his computer, inputting the drive into it, anxiously watching the bar load. "C'mon..." He tapped his fingers impatiently, biting his lip and swaying himself side to side in his chair, "Yes!"

'Do you want to upload the recent footage?' Y/N?

He quickly hit the y, watching another bar show up, "God fucking dammit." He fell back in defeat, looking over at his alarm clock.

6:48 pm

"Oh fuck! My backpack!" Dib then slid his mouse to click the icon about his own invention, the audio recording backpack. "If I built it correctly, and Zim didn't do anything with it, it should show up in its audio file," Dib muttered, clicking his mouse excessively as he waited.

"Dib! Mysterious Mysteries is starting in 10 minutes!" Gaz yelled up to him as he fiddled with his computer, trying to have his downloads go faster.

"Coming!" Gaz poured her popcorn into a bowl, taking a soda from the fridge, making her way to the couch. She flopped on it, spilling some of her snack on the floor. Her brother joined her a few minutes after.

"Oh thanks for the popcorn Gaz!" Dib smiled, reaching out to grab a handful. Gaz slid the bowl, having his hand slam into the table, "Hey!"

"You can make your own dipshit." She stated, placing it next to her, eating a mouthful of it.

"Bitch," He grumbled, slouching and pushing up his glasses.

It was a boring episode of Mysterious Mysteries, somehow, at the end, it showed Professor Membrane. "Jesus christ," Gaz muttered as they talked about their missing sister, "This is getting out of fucking hand. Zim needs to give her back before dad makes a carbon copy of her"

"I'm already downloading footage of last night, i don't know how long it'll take,"

"Go check to see if it's done," Gaz said wearily, dropping her bowl on the coffee table, watching him leave.

Downloads complete

It displayed in big letters on the monitor. Dib smiled, hopping on his desk chair, clicking the file for the footage first.


The video automatically went full screen and Dib sat back in his chair as it started. He watched it for hours, looking at it over and over, finding new things he did not notice when he was there. Frantically writing down notes and the time on the film when it happened. One specific thing caught his eye.. A doorway that he's never seen before. Ever. Out of all the times he snuck into the aliens home, and went in there just cuz, it never clicked if he had seen it before.

Little Membrane even checked his other cameras he installed in Zim's house when he was elsewhere. That doorway didn't even appear in any other areas, not even the place where he and his sister found was recorded. It was like he dreamed he went there, but the footage proved it wrong.

"Whatever is behind that door, I know she's back there, they all are. I just know it," Dib muttered angrily, just wanting his sister back.

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