Chapter 12- HES NOT REAL

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"I used to be a man, just like you-- I used to work at a chicken restaurant, just like you--"

"We don't work at a chicken rest-"

"Don't look at me!" He yelled at me, cutting me off.

"I wasn't--"

"Can you go on?"

"My name is- was Chewy Rodriguez, I laughed, I lived-- i loved," He then jumped off his bed- coop- thing, "It was all great- until a defective microwave incident," He paused, "Then after, it fused between man and chicken- not even. A chickeny man!"

"It probably got the zipper stuck! I can pull it loose!" Dib yelled, trying to get closer.

"You speak madness!" He backed away from him- "Now I live in this dirty apartment- becoming more lost than ever- more disgusting-"

"That's because you don't bathe" I mentioned.

"Now all I have are these Chicken toys for my friend, but my only regret is that I didn't get the dirty chicken.." Chickenfoot quieted down, and Dib realized something.

"The dirty Chicken? Hold up" He pulled it out from his pocket, "This?"

"Give me that!" He lunged at us, but missed.

"No! Only if you go to the hospital with us, we need to put an end to this madness!"

We brought him to the hospital, and I watched as the doctor explained to Chewy that he is just a man in a chicken suit, as Dib called the Mysterious Mysteries news cast.

"Here let's go through this again," She pointed at the x-ray scans, "That's your skeleton, and here's the suit"

"No! That's wrong!" He yelled as my brother walked back in, Chewy held onto the dirty chicken for dear life, bunching up in a ball on the hospital bed.

"Well, i could just unzip the suit-"

"No!" Chewy ran out of the room, and Dib glanced at me, "I really don't want to chase him-- but i need to solve this case!"

I shrugged to the doctor, "Thanks for trying,"

She smiled, "No problem,"

"Dib!" I opened the door and yelled down the halls, "Where are you!"

"Over here!" He yelled back. I ran around the hospital and followed his voice to find him.

Chewys screams followed by a crash lead me to find my brother, "Chicken foot! You're not a freak!"

"Youre just stupid!" I added, giggling, noticing that he dropped the dirty chicken.

We chased him around the whole damn hospital, until he ran in the parking lot.

I caught my breath as Dib got an idea, "Try to slow him down, im gonna do something," He pressed the button on the dirty chicken to drop the beak and as Chewy ran past us, he hooked it on the zipper, and nearly let go because of how stuck it was.

I quickly grabbed hold of the chicken to help him but two little fifteen year olds aren't gonna stop a full grown adult.

I stumbled forward and let go of the chicken just in time as the doors close to catch it.

Dib and i looked through the window where the news cast watched as Chewy ran out of the chicken suit.

"Chicken foot!" They yelled, snapping pictures and putting microphones in his face.

Dib smiled at me and pushed the door open with his foot as I grabbed the dirty chicken.

"Chicken foot is just a man in a Chicky Licky suit! Not a demon! Or an alien!" The cameras turned to us, the membrane twins, as we approached.

"Chicken foot is a fraud!" A reporter yelled.

"This proves that paranormal studies isn't just a bunch of crazies believing in stuff." My brother explained.

"So that means bigfoot isn't real?"

"And UFOs?" They asked.

Dib pouted, "No- those are real- you guys are idiots!" He yelled out, and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the hospital.

We made it in time to watch Mysterious Mysteries air at home, it didn't go as my brother planned, but we still solved it, right?

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