Chapter 32- Numb

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"I'll be coming my tallest, soon," Zim drifted off, glancing around his room, "I think,,"

"Zim whats wrong?" Purple asked, sipping his drink. Being their favorite irken, they obviously cared a little more for him, "You're finally gonna destroy this planet!"

"Its just,, fuck,, nothing," Zim pulled his goggles down glancing up at his small tv he had to bring in to hide from Y/N's brother, "Ill find a way though, somehow,,"

Gir and I perked up as a soft knock came from the door, "Come in!" Gir replied as I glanced back up at the tv that Zim nicely put in my room.

During the few weeks i've been awake, he became nicer than ever, which was NOT him. I miss the old him that insulted my outfits even though he wears the same one everyday. He gave me a tv, and let me wander around the room, but the way out, locked. I can even doodle on paper with GIR for entertainment, cuz of the little makeshift desk. I mean this is basically my life in general except i can go outside.

"What are you watching?" He asked as he handed me a plate of fruit, like I asked.

"The news, it's almost peace day," I smiled at him as he sat down next to me. I looked down at my plate of assorted fruit, then back up at the screen, "My dad is making this peace bracelet thing that i guess is made out of child energy, or how he calls it," I made quotations out of my hand while holding a strawberry, " 'childergy' He said if everyone holds hands or whatever everyone will be at peace? I dunno"

Zim looked me in my eyes for the first time in ages, "You miss them don't you," He said in a low whisper, almost like everyone is listening in on our conversation.

It caught me off guard, i had to turn down the sound just to look at him, "I-i guess i do, i haven't seen them in what it feels like years, maybe i'll actually hug them if i ever see them again," My eyes sparkled in just the thought of getting beat up by my siblings. I blinked back tears as i turned my head, " But i guess i can't see them again, can i,"

"I never said I was keeping you in here forever Y/N,," Zim put his hand on my shoulder but i swatted it away.

"How long is forever Zim? I've been here for almost two months, when am I going to get out? When are you going to let go of me," I looked over at him, my eyes glossy with tears, "Do you know how messed up Dib must be?"

Zim looked down, then back at the tv, avoiding my eyes, "You know what, you're getting out in a week or more, I promise," He hopped down off my bed, glancing back at me as he went to open my door.

"Really?" I wiped my eyes, "Are you sure you're gonna let me go,"

He came back to me for a second, just to wipe my tears, "I'm sure." He opened the door and looked back at me, "I'll be back in a few days." He left my room before i could even ask where he was going, and i dont think ill ever find out where we went.

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