Chapter 21- Sleeping Powder

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I snickered at my joke again cuz im that big of a loser, as the windshield opened. Just by the scent, I knew it was the beach.

"The ocean? Why here?"

Zim shrugged as he climbed out, I followed, "It's just the only non chaotic part of earth, I guess," He replied, catching me as i jumped out.

"I mean i like the sound of waves crashing on land,"

"Exactly," he placed me on the warm sand, and I wandered to look for a place to chill. I noticed he hung back for a bit, which was odd, but I let it slide, because he is an alien.

I placed down my sweatshirt as a blanket and plopped down, watching my friend walk over to me from our little hiding spot.

"Gir wanted me to give this to you," He handed me a box, that was decently wrapped, with my name written in big, child-like writing on the top.

"You sure it wasn't you?" I snickered as he shoved me. Carefully, I unwrapped it, and it turns out, it was a cute lil hat, that looked like B/N.

"Hold the fuck up, how did you know about-"

"B/N? That was gir, actually. I used him to watch you, all week. I had to see what you do daily, minus going to school or tormenting little kids."

"What a fucking creep, but why?" I started to feel, for the first time, creeped out by my own friend.

"Sorry, but that's something I can't tell you," Zim forcefully put a napkin over my face, making me breathe it in.

"Zim! What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled, trying to push him off me, but my eyesight was getting all wavy and blurry, "What- what's going on,"

"I'm sorry," I saw him word as my eyes fluttered shut.

Membrane Household

3:34 pm

"Dad where's Y/N?" Dib asked, running down the stairs after checking his bedroom.

"What do you mean? Didn't she go home with you guys?" Professor Membrane answered his son, spreading some butter on his toast.

"What! What do you mean?" Dib nearly screamed, starting to panic, "If she wasnt with you, and got dismissed during physics, who the fuck did she go with?"

The fifteen year old paced in his kitchen, having a panic attack, until it hit him, "Zim!"

"You're telling me your sister is missing, Gaz!" Membrane yelled to his youngest.

"What," She spat, trudging down the stairs.

"I need you to find the best picture of your sister, just incase,"

"Wait why?"

"She's missing,"

"No! It cant be, my favorite sibling, cant be fucking gone!"

Dib stomped out of his house, with a bat, and his red booties, making his way to his enemy's house.

Gaz frantically texted her older sister as she ran upstairs to her bedroom.

Y/N? Where are you??


This better not be a fucking sick prank.

Y/N please!

Come on! Please!

Gaz slammed her door in anger, feeling her phone buzz. Almost immediately she pulled out her phone, feeling a rush of relief to see that it was from Y/N. That feeling dropped faster than it came, when the reply was three words.

Number not found

"No no no no no!" Gaz hit the call button, but it didn't work, it would repeatedly say.

"The number you are trying to call has been deactivated"

"No!" She yelped, taking a deep breath, trying not to think of the worst.

But that's all she could think off.

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