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Dib lied on top of me as we both watched the green substance pour out of the building. Then in the split second that it appeared, it vanished. 

"Woah" I managed to get out as Zim flies outside, with a 'you're fired' behind it.

"I fucking failed, again." Dib muttered as he got off me, proceeding to help me up. 

"Hah! I won again!" Zim yells like a child as he skips over to us. 

"Dib?" I glance at my twin brother as he adjusts his glasses. 


"I'm going home with Zim, so take my bike and let dad know I'll be there in about 10 minutes" I grab my lime green and black bike and push it over to him. 

"Why are you going over his house?" Dibs voice gets louder. 

"Calm down, it's just to ask Gir if he wants to go to the dance with me" I giggle as Zim pouts next to me. 

"Ugh. Fine" Dib pivots, "Dont put anything in her"

"Woah! She's not part of my experiments!" He puts his hands up in defeat as I step back next to him.

I snickered as I took it the wrong way, "I love you!" I shout out as he speeds away, waving behind him. 

"Alright let's get my baby" I skip as I grasp Zims green arm to bring him with me. He rolls his eyes and smiles, i hate him. The small alien leaps on my back and I started sprinting to his house. 

He giggles like a child, "Why are you so fucking small?" I ask as I slow down to a walk. He rests his chin on my shoulder and yawns obnoxiously loud, not answering

"Answer me," 

A small smile forms on his face, "I'm small and smart while you're tall and dumb" Zim explains, his voice all raspy. 

"Excuse me?" I snicker as I step to his front door.

"Welcome home son" The robotic parents say in unison as i toss Zim on the couch. 

"Y/N!" Gir yells from the kitchen, sprinting to me at full speed. 

The small robot nearly knocks me over in excitement. 

"Oh my baby!" I yell out as I hug him tight, he squeezes me tighter. 

"I missed you!" 

My face started to hurt from smiling so hard and i almost forgot what I was gonna ask him, "Gir? Would you go to the school dance with me?" 

"Me?" His big blue eyes light up even brighter as Zim snoozes on the couch. 

"Yeah you!" 

"Of course!" Gir and I giggle on the floor for a good minute, until he hops off me, "I made some waffles, want some?" 

"What do you think?" I smirk at him as we both get up from the floor. 

The clanking of his metal legs across the floor made me smile. 

"Rawr!" I yell out as i jump on Zim. 

"Ah! You bitch!" 

"Youre coming with me once i get some waffles" I say as I sat on his lap. 

He hastily glances at me, "Where exactly?" 

"You'll know" 

Text from Dib💕

-are you coming home? It's been 10 minutes and dads waiting

-yeah be right there 

"Try them!" Gir places a plate with two waffles on them, i take a bite out of both. 

"They are delicious Gir, you should be a chef."

"Thank you" He nods to me as i get up off Zims lap and he yells out in relief. 

"Boys please join me on this walk" I say as I strutted towards the front door. 

Zim pouts as Gir gladly walks behind me like a duckling following his momma. 

The three of us walk around the neighborhood and a few blocks down to get to my house. 

"Why am I here. I have EVIL PLANS to do" 

"You followed" I stared blankly as i practically kick the front door open, "The bitches arrived!" 

Dad just nods as Dib yells back, "No swearing!" 

"Dad, these are my friends, Gir and Zim" 

"You brought them to ou-" 

"Lovely! Please, join us, we are just starting to eat" Dad says, pulling up another chair. 

"I hope you like it Y/N" Foodio3000 says as he places a plate of spaghetti in front of me, "And guest" He adds as he gives Zim a plate of food. 

"How was your day Gaz?" Dad speaks up after a few seconds of silence. 

"It was great" My sister replies, emphasising on the t, like she was being sarcastic. 

"How about you, my twins?" 

"Zim almost killed Y/N with his goo!" Dib yells, as i pick up Gir from the floor. 

Dad doesn't even change his expression, he just laughs, "That's great Son" 


"I got to play with puppies" 

"Where they adorable?" He asks me

"So cute! I got pictures" 

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