Chapter 13- Sibling Bickers

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"Dinner!" Gaz yelled at us from the kitchen.

"Coming!" We yelled in unison, stumbling over to the table.

I grabbed a soda from the fridge and sat down right when Foodio gave us our dinner.

"How was your adventure" Gaz asked me, putting her finger to Dibs lips so he did not burst out.

"It was pretty weird, literally everyone we talked to was crazy"

"Crazier than you?" She raised an eyebrow and i smiled.

"No I guess not," I took a bite out of my pasta, "Who is crazier out of the both of us?"

My little sister glances at Dib, then back to me, "I mean he's crazy obsessed with Zim, and you are on the brink of- well you both are on the brink of insanity." She took a bite out of her food, "Yeah you're both equal crazy. So glad I didn't get any"

"What! No youre crazy as fuck!" Dib yelled out, nearly spitting out his water.

I snickered as she slapped him, "Where?" Gaz opened her eyes wide as fuck.

"You can be pretty manic when it comes to Dib pissing you off" I giggled, "Ow!" I yelped as she kicked me under the table.

Gaz thinks for a second, then giggles, "I guess we're just crazy,"

"Or sane and everyone else is crazy" Dib points his fork up in the air, a noodle falling on the table, "That could be a reason"

We all nod in unison, like we were having a meeting. A very serious one obviously. Right when I took a bite out of my noodle, we all broke into laughter. I nearly choked on my noodle as dad walked in the door, "Children! I'm home!" He made his way to the kitchen, to find us dying over the smallest thing, "What's so funny?" He asked as i snorted, making my siblings crack up.

"Nothin', jus somethin stupid Dad" I replied as i wiped my face, calming down.

"Alright then" Dad then leaned in and gently wiped my cheek with a gloved finger squishing my baby cheeks making me giggle, "You had some sauce on your face" He gave me a lil kiss on the cheek, taking our empty plates, "You kids head to bed, it is late,"

We didn't protest, he was right. Dib and I literally have been out all day trying to solve the mystery of chicken foot. I tackle Dib as we raced to our room, he stumbled forward and fell, gracefully for some reason. I made my way over him by taking a big step, but he grabbed my leg and pulled me down. I rushed myself out of his grasp and slapped my hand on the entrance to our bedroom.

"Damn you!" He let go and I stood up, stomping away from him on the floor

I climbed up on the top bunk, grabbing B/N in the middle of my tumble, "Ah! B/N!" I gave him a hug like a little kid and Dib glared at me from the doorway.

"I still dont trust that bear" He pouted, as i waved it in his face, making him smile, "What the fuck is wrong with you." He shook his head, closing our door.

"Im sorry I'm not crazy about aliens like you"

"Im sorry im not childish like you" He snapped back, eyes wide as he jumped on my bed.

"Oop-" I threw my blanket on him and ran to the bathroom.

"Hey!" Dib yelled knocking on the door.

I snickered, "Slowpoke!" I did a little dance as I brushed my teeth to the sound of my brother yelling at me to open the door, "Yes?" I answered as I opened the door, he looked angry, and i just squished his cheeks.

"One day im gonna kill you," He said to me as I tossed my hoodie across the room

"I'm not so sure about that, you might be in a mental hospital before you get to it," I climbed on my bed, "Unless you do it while we're both there," I put my finger on my chin as I layed on my bed to think.

The door creaked open and Dad poked his head in, "Night Y/N,"

"Good night Dad," I leaned off my bed, with my hair dangling down.

"Night Dib" Dib opened his door and said a muffled goodnight because his toothbrush was in his mouth.

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