Chapter 14- GameSlave 2

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"Honey? Are you awake?" Dad opens my door and I glanced up from my phone, "Oh good, do you still want breakfast?--" His eyes drift to my alarm clock, "Or lunch in that matter?"

I smiled gently, "I guess," He came over to me to bring me downstairs, and noticed B/N chilling next to me.

"Where did he come from?" He asked me, as I shut off my phone, I glanced at my bright orange teddy bear, and shrugged.

"I just found him," Dad gently put his mechanical arms under me and brought me downstairs. I would've protested, but i just recently got up, at like 12:20.

"What why does she get to be carried!" Dib yelled from the living room as dad gently placed me down so I can sit at the table.

"You want to be carried by dad?" Gaz and i say in unison, with equal confusion in our voices.

"Um- well-" Dib turned a light shade of pink and awkwardly looked back in his bigfoot magazine.

I snickered, taking a bite out of my toast as Dad made his way to Dib, "Do you want me to carry you around like you were little Dib?" Dad put his hands under Dibs arms and he just blushed. I giggled as he lifted up my twin brother like a baby doll.

"Put me down!" He squirmed as we all laughed, "I said no" My brother pouted then went back to reading.

"You can ask me to-" Dad leaned over his shoulder

"No dad," He snickered.

Foodio gave me some cheerios and milk because its fucking delicious and i accidentally ate the rest of them. Dib yelled at me for like 10 minutes about eating them all and how they are his favorite, and the reason he gets up in the morning. Then another 10 minutes that Bigfoot would never say that he hates everyone or something.

"That's great Dib" I say to him as I opened snap for the first time since the incident on Friday.

"Damn," I muttered as he still vented to me. I took a lovely photo of my twin brother with his eyes crossed and the magazine he was holding flying towards the table, "Goddamnit," I muttered as I went to send streaks and saw Zims name as number one on my best friends list, with the eyes emoji next to it, twice, one as streaks and one as being best friends for more than two months. I had a good bunch of kids from school on snap, with my siblings also in my best friend list.

"Are you even listening?" Dib pulled me into reality, and his face dropped to a pout, "You weren't listening were you,"

I shook my head and Dib was about to say something before dad looked back at us.

"Y/N go with your sister to the mall," I glanced at her as the bat gets taken out of her hands.

"Can't she go with Dib? I have to do homework," I muttered as I started my way upstairs.

"But mysterious mysteries is on in 5 minutes, she can wait!" Dib scrambled to the couch as the ads played before his favorite show.

Gaz grumbled and sat to watch it with him.

After about 2 hours of me doing my homework and regretting things, distracting myself times 1000, i finished.

I stumbled down the stairs to find Gaz and Dib still watching Mysterious Mysteries, "C'mon Gaz, if we go now we can still be early"

Gaz put on her boots as I slid a hoodie on. "Hold on girls, there can be some crazy people out there," Gaz and i turned around and he handed us weapons, Gaz took the taser, i got the knife.

"Finally," My little sister grumbled as we left the house.

"Why do you want to go to the mall?" I asked her as we walked a pretty fast pace.

"The GameSlave two is out and it's on sale at midnight," Gaz had a sparkle in her eyes as she said it.

"Well damn if you told me earlier we could've went two hours ago"

Gaz punches me in the arm and I pretend that it hurt, "Aaah-" I punch her back a little harder and she just rolls her eyes.

"That'S all you got?" Gaz raised an eyebrow and I just glanced down at her.

"I'm not hitting you so hard you go into oncoming traffic" I rolled my eyes as we got to the sight of the mall, "We're almost there,," We both sped up, almost racing to get in line.

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