Chapter 27- Membrane Labs Pt.1

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They made their way across town to the laboratory, taking a good half hour. Gaz went to get a snack as Dib approached the guard.

"I need to see Professor Membrane!" He yelled out in pain as the guard tased him.

"No, to see Professor Membrane you must go around back and take the test." He explained, tasing him yet again.

"AH! Will you stop that! I found out where Y/N might be." Dib swatted away his taser, the guard raising an eyebrow at the kid.

"Y/N Membrane? The professor's daughter, you found where she is?" He shook his head, "How, explain." He crossed his arms, waiting for an explanation from the child.

"So basically i snuck into Zim's house and found the footage of this door, i found some audio on what hes planning, so if you just let me in to talk to him, that would be fucking fantastic." Dib grunted in anger as he tased him.

"If you want to see him, take the test like all other visitors." The guard watches Dib get sucked up into a chute as Gaz walks through the door behind him.

"Goddamn it," Dib rubbed his head as his suitcase hit him in the head.

"To see Professor Membrane you must take a test that shows you how skilled you are in math, science and if you are qualified to go there." A robot spoke to him as it pulled out a piece of paper, placing it on his desk.

In messy, rushed handwriting, Dib wrote his full name, reading the first question, "How the fuck am i supposed to know dads first thought?"

Gaz flopped on the desk next to him, reading a book about Professor Membrane, "It was, i will poop now,"

"No it wasn't, that's ridiculous." The girl behind her yelled out, Gaz slapped her unenthusiastically. Dib turned and looked at his sister in confusion.

"How the fuck did you get here?" He questioned, she just shrugged.

"Staff entrance."

Dib boredly took the unneeded test to see his own damn dad, finally finishing, right after the bitch ass girl behind Gaz.

"Your score is... 94% that is.. UNACCEPTABLE." The robot's voice screeched at her as she screamed, being pulled out of the room. Dib shook his head as he handed the robot his test, "Your score is... 94.1% that is... GREAT. Congratulations, you passed." Confetti flew out of the robot as he grabbed his stuff to leave.

"What a waste of time.." Dib muttered, picking up his suitcase, right when the chute came out to bring him to the next stage.

"Welcome to the audience admission test, round two!" A voice boomed from the speakers as armor was shoved onto Dibs lanky body.

"Round two? Gaz?" He looked at his sister behind the bars, she grumbled.

"Staff entrance."

"Junior scientists, choose your weapon!" The speaker yelled, as Dib confusingly grabbed a giant pipette, walking back to his little blue triangle. "Now let the battle begin!"

"Battle..?" Dib looked across the cage to find someone running at him with a big ass q-tip. The fifteen year old ran in fear across the cage, getting tripped by the toy.

"Don't worry, small friend, shunk, have a plan," He said to Dib as he laid on the ground, groaning, "We end in a tie and we both go see show." Shunk whispered, leaning towards him.

"Wat?" Dib started crawling up, "Shunk was it?" He reached out to shake his hand as a deal motion, but missed, hitting his target tag. Marking the score one to zero.

Shunk backed away in sadness, "Shunks dreams didn't come true,," He cried, backing back to his red triangle.

Dib sat down on his seat, crossing his legs, "I'm not sure what kind of test this is Gaz, but I seem to be doing okay," Gaz shook her head, not really caring.

She wandered over to Shunk, making him feel worse, and wanting to destroy her brother, for payback.

The speaker yelled out again, "Battle two out of three, test your knowledge of combustion with final chaos." The televisions on either side of them showed flames on the screen as the floors dropped, to expose flames blasting from below.

Hooks attached them to the ceiling so they can't fall to their death and DIb freaked, standing up on his seat, "What does this have to do with science!"

Shunk started angrily jumping the blocks to get to Dib as he cautiously jumped to the next blocks. Shunk ran after Dib, eventually catching up, throwing his helpless body onto the fenced cage. Dib grabbed onto the wires, staying up there. "Come down and face Shunk." He yelled up to him, Dib didn't reply, shaking his head.

He then shook the cage, Dib held on as hard as he could, his hands eventually giving out on him. Catching his breath, Shunk pressed his q-tip onto his target, making the score 1-1.

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