Chapter 31- Gir

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I laid awake in the bed I've been trapped in for who knows how long I thought about how DIb would be suffering so much without me, even Gaz. Dib was right, i should'nt've befriended the crazy alien that lived a few blocks from us on the end of the cul-de-sac with gnomes decorating the long eerie front yard. I should'nt've walked to the front steps of the home with a bathroom sign hanging crookedly on the door, getting greeted by oddly dressed robots and a bright green energetic dog. Even if 12 year old me did get curious about the cute little alien with crazy ideas to destroy my twin brother, i should've just listened to what he said he'd do to my brother.

I should've paid more attention.

The big black door creaked open and I looked up to see a little grey and blue antennae bouncing towards me. I tried to wipe my tears before the small little robot noticed, but I was too late.

He pouted as I helped him up the bed, "Are you ok?" He asked me as he placed a plate stacked with biscuits.

"Yeah i'm fine Gir don't worry about me." I exhaled a shaky breath as I took one of his biscuits he brought for me.

"I'm sorry that master won't let me let you out," Gir pouted as I took a bite of the food.

I immediately got hit with the strong taste of soap, but didn't mind, I've eaten bubbles before, "I just want to make sure Dibs ok,," I said in a low whisper as he rested his head on my arm, "And it's not your fault baby."

"You're on tv!" He smiled in remembrance.

"I am??" I tilted my head in confusion as he pulled out a tv from the top of his head.

"Look!" He switched the station and it replayed an ad he saw.

I kid you not, i felt tears start forming as i watched my dad legit tell the whole world that i've been missing, and almost dissapeared out of existance when he said a fucking month, "Jesus christ." I muttered as Gir looked up to me.


"I've been here too long, who knows how crazy my brother is.." My eyes went wide, "What if we aren't on earth.."

"No i went to get food yesterday." Gir stuck out his tongue and i let out a little sigh of relief, i'm still nearby. I'm still alive, and he's still looking for me.

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