Chapter 11- Chicky Licky, Come On

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Dib and i got ready, him in his lovely basic Dib membrane looking for mysteries outfit, and me in some overalls and booties. "Gaz, we're heading out," I poked my head in her room and she looked up from her sketchbook.

"Good." She replied, as I shut the door, "Make sure you get back before dad notices!"

"We will!" I yelled back, sliding down the railing to catch up with my twin brother by the door.

We hopped on our bikes and rode downtown on a nice sunny Saturday in november. I almost got hit by a car a couple of times because Dib kept hogging the bike lane when I was trying to pass his slow ass. After about 10 minutes or so, we made it to Chicky Licky, which was pretty chaotic at the time we got there.

Dib and I made our way to the register, where there was some commotion with a cashier and a customer. "I can help you two cuties over here," A girl with purple hair said to us, looking like she was in her early twenties, "Don't mind them, we're crazy here on the weekends, so what will y'all have?"

My brother leans on the counter top like he's a professional and doesnt even try to whisper to her, "I want to know more about this Chickenfoot"

The girls eyes got wide and the whole damn restaurant got quiet, "Oh my god! Him! We lost so many employees because of him!" She yelled, curling up in a ball from straight up fear.

"Cuz he killed them?" I asked her, confused as fuck.

"No, they got new jobs" She said blankly, then going back to a panic.

The manager came out from his office, "Did you kids say Chickenfoot?" We both nodded in unison, and a drawer opened, with one of their toys, "Take this dirty chicken and leave"

"Not until you tell us about him!" Dib yelled as i took the toy, its beak popped off and turned into a grappling hook, which was pretty lit for a kids toy.

"Fine," He sighed, "I'll be in the freezer to speak with you kids privately, its down the hall to the right"

My brother and I followed his instructions, making our way to the partly opened freezer that keeps the meat cold. The manager stood there, looking a little baffled that we wanted to know this stuff about his company, "What do you know about him?" Dib asks him.

"Not much, all i know is that he's been scaring customers away because of it,"

"Do you know who he really is?" Dib takes my toy and fumbles with the beak.

"All I know is that he lives at the apartment on Wheatly road, that's all i know," He put his hands up like two little 15 year olds will hurt him with a dirty chicky licky toy that he gave us.

Dib's expression changed from, i need to solve this damn case or i'll hurt you, to baby in a split second, "Ok thank you!" He stuck his tongue out as the beak zipped back to the dirty chicken, making his way to our bikes outside.

I followed, glancing back at the confused manager and shrugged as an, idk either man, getting on my bike once i got back outside, "This is it Y/N! I'm finally gonna prove something to the world!"

I didn't want to ruin him being really excited, because it rarely happens and everyone shoots him down, so I smiled.

We made our way to, luckily, the only apartment on that street, i read out all the names and Dib pouted, "The crazy old man lied!"

I was half listening to his ranting as i noticed a strange man in a trench coat hurry pass us, feathers following his path, "Dib, look," I whispered, elbowing my brother to face me.

"Oh shit, follow him!" Dib started full on sprinting after the man and i didn't really want to follow, but i did anyway.

We ran up like 3 flights of stairs after the bunch of feathers that the guy dropped.

He suddenly stopped and i ran into him, catching my breath as he caught me, "Where'd he go?"

"There" I followed his finger to the door a few feet in front of us, with a bunch of feathers at the doorstep.

I grabbed hold of his arm as we slowly walked to the door, and he knocked, "Chicken foot?"

The door opened to reveal a weird Irish guy, "Oh, you're after chicken foot? In turkey neck, he's down the hall"

"Then why did you run from us?" I asked him.

He leaned in and i hid behind my brother, opening his trenchcoat to reveal the strangest fucking neck ever, "Cuz all the kids come after me for my neck"

Dib and I slowly back up, "Yeah okay--" We practically sprint to find chickenfoots apartment cuz people in this town are manic. Maybe that's why we are called crazy-- i guess.

I pushed open the door, and a shit ton of chickens attacked me, "Holy shit!" I yelped, Dib giggled and helped me up, glancing in front of us to find a giant chicken coop, with the chicken suit on it.

"Chicken foot?" Dib asked.

"Don't look at me! Dont look at my face!" He yelled out, turning around even further.

"We just want to know what happened to you--" Dib said softly.

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