Chapter 18- Presentation Day

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Ms. Bitters said we can use as much time from now and recess to finish and get ready to prepare for presenting. Keef, Melvin and I only have coloring to do because we did most of the work at my place.

"Hey Y/N," Keef waved me over, "I brought us some sharpies," Melvin was already coloring the hood of our, actually well built car. We did a lot of work at home in my dad's lab. Dib wasnt allowed to have girls over, which is funny as fuck, so I had to help him.

The boys and I kinda bonded pretty well in just a week. I dunno if it was because we're all 'rejects' in skool or somethin.

Keef is really nice and sweet, not as clingy as I thought he would be, maybe after the incident with Zim he toned it down.

Melvin is quiet, like really really quiet. I never really noticed him in class before we started talking. Turned out he's really nice and has a not so dirty sense of humor, which is surprising.

I just don't understand how we didn't cross paths in elementary, we could've been friends, honestly.

I joined them and rolled the car towards me so I could color the trunk.

"Hey! I was coloring!" Melvin yelled as his sharpie dragged across the hood of the car.

"That's great," I muttered, smiling down at the spoiler. In the corner of my eye, I saw Melvin reach over and didn't have the time to react as he wrote his name in all caps up my arm in blue Sharpie.

"Goddamn it Melvin!" I yelped as I put a line of orange on his cheek. He giggled, finishing his masterpiece.

Keef looked up at us acting like kids, "Do you guys have the cards on what to say?" he asked us, placing a sticker of a window on the car door.

"What cards?" We asked in unison.

"The ones we made last night idiot!" He shouted at us, giggling right after, but it stopped short, ending with a pout, "You don't have them, do you,"

"Kidding!" I threw them at him like he was pole dancing, right when Ms Bitters came over.

She raised an eyebrow at us right as i stopped, then started speaking, "You guys look ready to present, so why don't you get your asses up there before i fail you." She said sternly as we scrambled up to the front, placing our model car in the testing track.

"So Melvin, Y/N and I all worked together to create what we'd like to call, The Alien Catcher." Keef started, fumbling with the cards.

I made sure the car was on the track correctly and checked if the remote worked right. Melvin elbowed me in the ribs to say the next line, and I fumbled with the cards.

"Uh-," Melvin noticed I was panicking and pointed to the sentence where i'm supposed to start, "Thanks-," I glanced up at my classmates and looked at my brother. Dib smiled at me and mouthed the words, its okay.

I laughed nervously and started, "Oh! It is way faster than Dibs car, with a jump starter thingy to have it go really fast- Y-yeah," I stuttered awkwardly as Melvin took over.

"So here is where we will demonstrate how it works, while Keef and I tell you how it's built," He took a step towards keef so I could fit between the table and him.

I zoned out on turning it on, not even listening to the boys talk until they said the key word for me to launch our product.

"Woah!" Our classmates jumped up to watch it zoom down the hallway on the track.

"Last test Y/N," Ms Bitters appeared next to me as I followed my car, getting close to the end, "If you can stop it perfectly without crashing, you and your partners will get an A, if not," She leaned in, "You know what ill do,"

"Yes ms Bitters," I said in a low whisper.

All eyes were on me as I slowed my car down as it got closer to the end, stopping it abruptly right at the end, at what I was presuming was a few centimeters from touching.

Ms Bitters pulled out a ruler and measured the space between the car and the wall, "Congrats kids, you-" She groaned, "got an A,"

I beamed as Keef and Melvin celebrated, Dib snuck over to me, "Nice work sis, now i'll never pass," He pouted as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.


"Y/N, you've been dismissed, so go get your shit and get the hell outta here," Ms bitters came from the classroom as I tilted my head.

"Dismissed? Why?"

"I don't know, just get your bag," She said blankly as Dib followed me back to the classroom.

"Did dad say anything this morning?"

"I don't recall, maybe it's just a doctors appointment or some shit," His stern voice calmed me, because, for some reason, I wasn't so sure of this.


"Lighten up, we probably just forgot," Dib gave me a sideways smile and handed me my bag. "I'll see you at home, okay?"

"Yeah, nerd," I smiled, making my way to the office.

I knew something was up, because when I opened the door to the main office it wasn't my dad waiting for me, it was Gir.

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