Chapter 29- Missing

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"Dinner!" Professor Membrane said as Dib pushed open the front door, trudging to the kitchen, "Oh, Dib, i found this in my room after my show," He handed Dib his case, and he nearly had a heart attack when his son yelled.

"YES! THANK YOU DAD!" Dib hugged his dad as he stood there, dumbfounded that he was hugging him.

"What's all this fuss about?" He looked down at his son, who had dark circles under his eyes looking like his usual sleep deprived self.

"I know where Y/N, i was gonna go tell you but the guards wouldnt let me in to see you, and i didnt get to pass your stupid fucking tests," Dib muttered, shaking off the feeling of Shunk, his brown eyes sparkling with hope, "I-i just hope she's where i think she is.." DIb drifted off, thinking of all the possibilities that could happen as he parted from his dad, slowly sitting back down into his chair.

"You found your sister?" He raised an eyebrow, sipping some tea as Foodio3000 gave them their dinner, spaghetti, Y/Ns favorite, "How? And where do you think she might be?" Professor Membrane said, with a hint of sarcasm, but curiosity.

"It took me all but when Gaz and I went on our little field trip, I brought my audio recording backpack with my video recording torch. It turns out I recorded a door I've never seen before, and because GIr poisoned us to make us pass out, I lost all my stuff, ZIm took it. The audio showed that he has Y/N with him, he took her dad. We need to get her back,"

Professor Membrane looked at his son with confusion, "You mean her little green friend stole her?"

"Yes dad! Exactly," Dibs eyes widened, hoping, just this once, his dad will believe him.

"Why would he do that?" He replied, taking a bite out of a meatball, not exactly comprehending what his child is trying to explain.

"Because he's an alien dad!"

"And i'm leaving,," Gaz grumbled, ditching the crazy family dinner to go to her room.

"An Alien? Son aliens aren't real, same goes to bigfoot and ufos,"

"No dad, please just hang in with me, aliens are real,," Dib pleaded, looking into his dad's eyes, to find nothing. He thought what Dib believed in was bullshit, "I have proof, just come here," The 15 year old dragged his dad outside to the garage, and showed him all the stuff from his past adventures with his sisters, and Zim.

Professor Membrane kinda just looked at it blankly, "It makes it hard to get to the lawnmower from all your stuff,"

"Dad! When will you believe me!" Dib yelled, aggravated, "Because you wont help me, i'll find a way to find her myself," Angry tears streamed down his face as he ran back inside, crying into his sisters pillow, and hugging her stuffed animals, "I'll find you Y/N, i promise."

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