Chapter 19- Suspicion

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"Master said to get you," The tiny robot said harshly, his glowing eyes beneath the hooded costume shined red. I unintentionally backed away, but suddenly, the glow switched to a light blue, "I missed you Y/N!" Gir jumped in my arms and I barely caught him, giggling.

"Aww Gir!" I gave him a big hug and nodded to the front desk lady that we're leaving. It then hit me that Ms Bitters said i was being dismissed, "Why does- why does he want me? He did leave me in the worst way possible, and alone for a week,"

Gir took off his hood and his bright blue eyes glimmered in the rays of sunshine that he is, "Cuz he misses you," His tongue stuck out as he smiled his cute, signature smile.

"What," I grinned, "You're lying, he would never,"

Gir shook his head, "I'm not lYInG hE ToLD mE HIMsElf" He yelled out, hopping up and down.

I scoffed, "He did not gir"

"He DiD! I have it in my memory!" We stopped right on the sidewalk and Gir played a memory tape, in his point of view.

He was sitting on the couch in their, 'hidden base' watching one of his favorite shows, you could hear Zim coming from his basement, muttering something from across the room. Gir then turned his head to look at the small alien, who was muttering, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Gir," He snapped back, in a weirdly soft way, glancing up at the tv. Gir tilted his head and Zim sighed, "Damn you and your looks,"

"Hmm?" Gir questioned, and Zim put his head in his hands.

"Damn it, i fucking miss her GIr, why did i do that-- fuck," I felt my face heat up and i covered it with my hood, "We're getting her back, get your human costume on," The video cuts and Gir looks at me, "See! I wasn't lying!"

I smiled, "I guess not,"

"We better get going!" He squeaks, taking my hand. Gir skipped along side me, bringing me to a suspicious alleyway.

"Uh gir?," He glances up at me, "Where are we?"

"The voot!" He raised a gloved hand and it turned visible.

"Oh," I stated, letting go of his hand and pulling out my phone.

"Gir, I don't need your services anymore, you can go home," Zims voice said so suddenly. I forgot how he sounded, he sounds, almost dead, what the fuck did he do during the week.


"Go," For once, he didn't even raise his voice at small robot. Gir gave me a little hug before blasting off back home. Zim glanced up at me, sighing loudly, "Look, Y/N, im sorry, for leaving you alone, ditching you like that, i'm such a dick"

"Why am I here?" I wondered, finally glancing up at him. I felt terrible and i didnt do anything, he looked so dead, I don't know how to explain it.

"For me to say sorry," He squashed a bug, squirming slightly, "Sorry?"

I didn't reply, but he didn't wait for one, instead, he climbed into his Voot Cruiser.

"Are you coming with, or--" The small green alien drifted off, and I took his hand, sitting next to him.

My head tilted as he entered the coordinates on where he was taking me, then we blasted off-

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