CHAPTER 33- Enter Dibs Bedroom?

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September 19, 2043

Membrane Household

4:49 pm

"Dib! Dad said you have to come eat dinner!" Gaz yelled as she slowly creeped towards her siblings room.

"Just push it in with the shoving stick,," He mumbled from the abyss of his bedroom.

"Where is it, i can't push it in without the shoving stick," She muttered, glancing around his room a good 4 feet away from the entrance.

"What if we never see her again Gaz," Dib said softly, his eyes glazed over at the several screens that were monitoring every crevice of Zims home, or what Dib could see.

"Dib," She sighed, "What if Zim finally succeeded in doing what we both saw coming? She could be dead right-"

"Dont say that! You don't know that do you! We haven't seen any of them in ages," He wipes his eyes trying to hold back tears and what might be the truth, "I'll find him, and when I do, i'll kill him for good, and prove to the world that aliens are in fact real, and i'll finally give dad a reason to be proud of me,"

"Dib he's not coming back, you know it," Gaz said softly, glancing back at him, "Oh shit nevermind"

"No fucking way, are those,, my god,"

"Gir turn the sign! You want him to see it not me" Zim yelled as he placed signs that had Dibs face on them, with lil x's on the eyes, that Gir drew, "Yes! Now the little bastard should be here any minute now, i need to have a talk,"

Him and Gir both sat on the lawn chairs they found, wearing sunglasses, and lounging in the sun, surrounded by signs of Dib saying he sucks ass. A masterpiece really, in the small aliens opinion, not the child coming after him.

The boys sat for hours, idiotically burning their retinas by staring at the sun for too long, "Alright, bitch boy isn't coming let's go Gir,"

Zim started folding up his chair as Gir slurped his slushie. The boys were already on their way in until.

"Zim!" Dib yelled at him as he reached for the doorknob.

"Hi Dib!" Gir waved at him as he angrily pushed himself towards them in his chair.

"Ew, you took too long i already forgot what i wanted," Zim went back to opening the door.

"Wheres my sister!" He yelled at him, "You killed her didn't you," Dibs voice cracked as the alien dropped the lawn chair onto the stairs, turning around.

He pulled his glasses down his face and squinted, "Why in the hell would i kill her Dib." Zim shook his head and pushed his glasses back up that somehow stayed on, "Anyways, because you turned into a helpless little shit, i'll be leaving,"

"WHY? Why the hell were you gone for months?" Dib yelled from across his lawn.

"Just phase 1 of my plan," He smiled down at him, reaching up to his doorknob, "Phase one,"

"Welcome Home Son," Zim stepped back into his home as Dib yelled at him to tell him what he's doing, but right as the door slowly closed, 

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