Chapter 3- Pet Names

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"Are you-" She pauses, "Y/N?" I nod to her and she smiles, "I'm assuming you have a sibling in the same class" 

"Why are you saying that?" I ask her, tilting my head and fixing my backpack. 

"Because his name is crossed out and yours is over it." She explains, showing me her clipboard. 

"Oh, Miss Bitters just mixes our names up. We are practically identical twins" I mention, as we exit the school grounds. 

"Y/N, male and female twins are fraternal, not identical" The lady puts her hand gently on my shoulder as she explains. 

I pout and enter her medium sized car. 

"What's your name?" I ask, still fucking pouting. I don't have a likeness to this lady. Fuck science, Dib is just a male version of me and no one can change my mind. Honestly, if i styled my hair like his we would be the fuckin same. 

"Oh," She pulls out a badge, "I'm Doctor Orian" 

I nod and rest my elbow on the door, putting my chin in my hand 

"So i saw your results, obviously. Clearly you love animals. What's your favorite?" 

"F/A," I mutter. 

Doctor Orian pauses, "Favorite dog?" 

"I love f/d and f/d, they are the cutest" My eyes sparkle at the thought of puppies. 

She starts driving her car, "Do you have any pets?" 

I shake my head, "No, my dad won't allow it" 

"What about your mom?" Dr. Orian looks at me from the side. 

I don't answer, I would've said parents if i had both. Retarded ass. 

It was a silent drive after that so I texted Dib that i wanted to go home. 

Text from Dib💕

-Why do you want to go home?

-cuz i dislike the lady I'm with. 


-She said we cant be identical twins and i know that but WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. Right?

-hell fuckin yea. Beat the shit outta her. 

-okie thanks. 

-was that it?


-fucK. Ok here is how you kill someone and make it look like an accident. 

He sends me a link and I smile. 

-I fucking love you. Gtg though

-Yeah bye

I shut off my phone as Dr. Orian glances at me, "Ready for training?" 

I shrug my shoulders as I stepped out of her car. We make our way into the veterinary clinic and right when I walked in I got a big whiff of wet dog. It wasn't pleasant. 

"So here is where you'll be until three" Dr. Orian opens the door and inside was lots of small puppies and kittens. 

"Really?" I say, my eyes glistening in the light. 

She nods and I hop in the room. 

I slide my earbuds in and hit play on some music, "My name is Jonas~" I sing, dancing with some of the pups. 

-guess whos with cute little puppies rn

I send a selfie of me with the cutest lil pitbull. 

Snapchat from DiB🌟

I smiled, 

-You look sad LMASOA

-This guy believes in things that aren't real! 

Snapchat From DiB🌟

"Look! Bigfoot and Dinosaurs are in the fake pile!" He yells in the video, I snicker as a voice answers. 

"Who are you-" it cuts off and the video ends. 

I send a video back, "Dib bigfoot isn't real oh my God I thought you were out of that phase" 

A puppy german shepard yips at me. 

"Oh you're so cute!" I pick it up and place it on my lap, "Im gonna name you.." He places his lil head on my shoulder and yips at nothing behind me. I snap my fingers as his tail hits me in the face, "Dib!" 

-Bigfoot is real. Smh.

-No he isn't. 

"Dib" I call him and the lil pup turns around. I snap a picture, 

-This is Dib

-Why is he named after me?

-cuz look at him! So fucking cute

-You just called me cute

-No i called HIM cute

I pointed out as a beagle pulled on my hoodie sleeve. 

"Hey give it back!" I giggle as I pull on it. 

The little beagle growls and pulls harder. He didn't pull hard enough because i just slid him across the ground and plopped him next to Dib on my lap. 

"How do you like the name Zim?" I like him as my phone rumbles. 

Incoming call from Dib🌟 

I pick up as Zim licks my face, accepting his new name. 

"Yes my look alike?" I answer. 

"I just found out about this" He holds up a file in front of the camera, "I bet that's what was on Zims neck!" 

"What? Zim doesn't have anything on his neck, see" 

"What! Zim is with- oh" 

I held up the beagle, "I don't see anything, do you?"

"Ugh, Y/N just meet me at McMeaties before 5"

"When's the dance?" 

Dib sighs, "Fuck I forgot about that, 6, I think" 

"Aight then, Dib says bye" Dib wags his tail as my twin brother hangs up on me. 

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