Chapter 35- Secrets

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Zim tapped his fingers on his legs as he waited for someone to walk out of the building, trying to ignore what Y/N said to him and get in the zone on what has been his top priority ever since he crash landed on this damn planet all those years ago. Watching someone walk out, the legs from his pack held the door open as he snuck in silently, crawling around like a spider around the maze of a building, looking for Professor Membranes office, to get what he needs.

"Gir!" He yelled as he pulled up his lil alien tech to call him, "Can you tell me where I need to go?"

"Just use a map!" Gir replied in a smile, but Zim pouted.

"Just give me the damn instructions." He looked around in the hallway then back down at the screen where Gir had his tongue out, typing on the computer.

"If you go up, it should be that way." Gir explained awfully as Zim started speed walking down the hall, to avoid the other people in the building, until his boots squeaked to a halt.

Pushing open the door, he sighed, "Gir do you still have that tracking device?" He asked as he turned on the desk light, starting to rummage through the desk with the dim light.


"The- damn never mind." Zim shook his head as he turned on x-ray vision on his goggles, looking through all the boxes, slowly to find the bracelet. Ignoring Gir talking on the other side, he glanced at the last box, and his goggles started beeping, "Yes!" He hissed, shoving the box and pulling out the bracelet.

"Zim is that you?" He heard Y/Ns voice ask.

"Uh yeah,,?" He slid the bracelet away as she started asking questions.

"Where are you? Zim please, what are you doing,,?" She cried as his antennae perked up to a slight sound of footsteps coming over here.

"Fuck." He said to himself as Y/N started yelling at him, in a rush, he tapped the screen to hang up and shoved it behind him.

"Zim! What are you doing?" I yelled, looking at the screen as gir crossed his eyes, "What's happening?" Gir and I watched the screen as he scurried around the room to under the desk, pushing the screen back to where we could only see his antennae and what's in front of him. I knew he couldn't hear me because I would've heard him scurrying around, but what is he hiding from me?

I watched the footsteps appear under the door and it opened to reveal a person in black boots and a science coat, no. They walked closer to Zim and he pulled in his leg more under the table as they leaned over on the desk to shut off the light. The light from the hall behind the doorway was the only thing that filled in on what was happening. The legs from Zim's pak shoot a net around the legs and he scurries out as he falls..., my dad falls. The call was cut out right after that, and I flopped back on my bed in anger.

What the fuck did i get myself into.

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