Chapter 22- Sneaks and Surprises Pt.1

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Little membrane stomps down the cul-de-sac to his enemy's house.

"Zim if you have my fucking sister I will fucking kill you!" He shouted, banging on his door.

There wasn't a reply.

"Zim! Get your ass out here!" He screamed, but then, getting no answer.

Dib huffed in anger, opening his door, to find it, empty. There was no small alien, or tiny robot roaming the house. He took a cautious step inside, glancing around, it was empty, like before he stepped in.

Dib pulled out a flashlight, glancing around the crevices, behind the tv, couch, in the closets.

"Oh Jesus Christ!" He yelped, as a disassembled robot jumped at him. Pieces fell all around him as he covered his head, "Just a stupid robot," He kicked its head back in the closet, trying to figure out how to get down to his lair.

Finally, he figured out a way down, the trash can. Dib climbed in the trash can, starting to descend down to the aliens hidden lair.

To his surprise, it was empty, except for a few stray wires here and there, but no alien.

"Jeez what happened here?" Dib whispered to himself, shining his light around the abandoned place, "What did he do?"

The tv he used to call the tallest was on the floor, smashed. Old experiments scattered, or it looked like they were.

"Hold on a minute," Dib stuck his flashlight in his mouth, attempting to climb the pile of destroyed experiments.

"FUCK!" He yelped, slipping on broken glass and falling down into the, "Oh fuck- Containment tube?" Dib squinted, cradling his arm, which was doused in blood and glass.

"What the fuck was he planning?" Dib grimaced, taking off his sweatshirt and wrapping it tightly around his arm.

He then pulled out his phone and switched it to video, carefully stepping up on the tube, which got him high enough so if he reached, he could see what's behind the pile with his phone.

Getting on his tiptoes in his red converse hightops, he reached as far as his left arm could, and hit record. Slowly, he turned his phone to each side, then brought it back down.

"Goddamn it," Dib grabbed hold of his right arm, holding it close to his chest, quickly leaving the invaders home.

The squeaking of his sneakers was the only sound he made on his way home. The video was dark, even with the flash on, so he had to use his computer at home to brighten it.

"Fuck-- Dad?" Little membrane bursted through the front door, accidentally hitting his arm, having blood splatter the wall.

"Jesus Christ Dib!" His little sister screamed, looking at the mess he was, covered in blood and dirt.

"I'm- ok," Dib stuttered, stumbling on his shoes, "Gaz?Can you brighten up the footage," He was getting all wobbly, Dibs already blurry eyesight from lack of glasses was getting worse because of blood loss.

Gaz caught him as he fell, grimacing at the blood that leaked on her arms.

"Dad! Help!" She yelled out, attempting to grab hold of her brother.

Dib was covered in blood, like it wouldn't stop, it was almost a fright show.

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