Chapter 36- Keynote Frenzy

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I didn't sleep that night. I know its peace day tomorrow, well, today, but how is it supposed to be peaceful when i literally watched someone i trusted for a good amount of my life kidnap my dad..At some point during the night, i must've passed out, because i don't remember Gir leaving, but i didn't mind. Well I kinda did, he always makes me feel better, but, he also is Zims little 'pet'..

Running my fingers through my hair as I drank water, shakily putting it down as I thought about the video, "Dib was right..,," I whispered, "He's always been right. Ive been so fucking blind," Lying back on my bed, i looked at the ceiling and screamed, "FUCK!"

Membrane Household 

8 hours later

10:26 am

"DIB WAKE UP!" Gaz yelled, throwing a pillow at him passed out, "We're gonna be late dumbass!" She pulled off his blankets and he groaned.

"Late for what?" He squinted up at his sister as she rolled her eyes.

"The fucking keynote," Gaz closed the door as she left and Dib jumped up, changing his clothes.

"I forgot it was today!" He said to himself as he shimmied into one of his shirts, watching the cameras as he puts on his jacket, "Where is he going?" Dibs eyes moved as Zim walked down his path in his yard, normally.

"DIB COME ON!" Gaz yelled from downstairs as he shoved his sneakers on and ran down.

"You're lucky we made it," Gaz grumbled, shoving Dib in the front aisle as he awkwardly stopped at the end of the stairs.

"Where- excuse me- are we- pardon- excuse me- sorry- sitting?" Dib said, dodging the other people sitting in the aisle.

"The one place where it says 1 and 2" Gaz pointed to the other side of the line of chairs and Dib groaned.

"Then why didn't we go down the other staircase?" He huffed, stumbling over some kids legs.

"I didn't know where the other doors were, bitch" She plopped down right as it started and pulled Dib down next to her.

"I can't wait-"

"SHHH" Gaz shut him up right as the lights slowly flickered off until it was pitch black in the stadium. It was silent for a good few seconds, only the hush of a few whispers here and there, until there was music playing, the volume slowly turning up. Dib sank into his seat in fear as he knew what was happening, knowing the song,

Blinding red lights flicked on and the screen glitched to show an image of the Irken Armada Flag. The cameras turn on, glitching slightly as it zooms in, "I-is that,,, no..." Gaz muttered to herself, leaning over to her brother as he started to panic, "Get up, we're leaving"

Dib jumped up in a rush, to run right into a robot, towering over them both. The video on screen zoomed into Zims face as he looked directly at Dib, smiling widely. Dib was going to yell and scream at his alien enemy, but before he could, the robots grabbed the children and pulled them in the abyss so Zim could start the new keynote.

Y/N's PoV

A few minutes before

Zim's Base

I sat criss-crossed on my bed as i ate the snacks Gir left out for me, there was a little note on it but i didn't want to read it, turning on the tv to a news channel that was filming the keynote, at a good angle i guess, because everyone's fucking there. Sipping my water I turned on one and watched.

"Oh no.." I muttered to myself as the camera angled towards the crowd and I saw my very distinguished siblings shove through the front row, and I knew it was going to be bad. The announcements on the bottom of the screen read, 'i have no clue what's happening right now but i think it's starting' as the screen went black. My heart started beating faster as the screen flashed red lights and it showed the screen as fake smoke went on the stage as Zim came onto the stage, right as the Irken Armada flag appeared on the screen behind him, and the ones to the side were him smiling. His eyes were fixated on something as his smile got wider, and I knew it wasn't good.

I knew he did something with my siblings. And I need to get out of here.

In a panic, i looked around the room for a way to get me out of this fucking room that ive been in for- i- i cant remember. I paced around the room as Zim talked about fucking peace and how the bracelets fucking work.

"If you look above you, you'll see my assistants that will crack your head open with the bracelet you buy!" He said with a smile as the crowd screamed. Is the world really that.. Dumb?

"Wait-" My eyes trailed above me to find those stupid tiled ceilings, "WHY HAVE I NEVER FUCKING NOTICED THIS!" I yelled, climbing on my bed and reaching as high as I could to push up the tile and pull it to the side. Glancing around my room as the camera for the broadcast showed random people getting hit on the head with bracelets, i hoisted myself up into the ceiling and pulled the tile to block the room, crawling away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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