Chapter 28- Membrane Labs Pt.2

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"Damn I need to have a new tactic, cuz this aint working," Dib grumbled, out of breath as he sat down.

"I can help," Gaz said slyly.

"Of course! Gaz can you tell Shunk i'll go with his tie-breaker idea."

"Sure,," Gaz slithered to her brother's enemy, telling Shunk shit to turn him bad towards her brother.

"Prepare for the final battle! Prepare to test your skill with the insect world and cybernetic abilities!" The show host yelled out, "It is the Cyber Nectar Arroba!" The screen lit up with spiders crawling all over it, DIb looked at it with fear.

"Cyberractno? Spider robots? Do spiders even have robots, what the fuck..?" Dib questioned, trying to figure out the last challenge. They were then put into spider suits, starting to battle each other to win. Shunk chased Dib, making him fall all the way back to the floor. His spider cocoon broke and he tried to resolve the issue.

"It's a tie see, we can both see the show,," Dib crawled backwards in fear as he raised his arm slowly, getting ready to punch the child.

"Shunk destroys big headed child." He grumbled, bringing his hand down, touching his target.

The bell rang for the point, 1-2, having Shunk win the battle. Guards came in and pulled Dib out of the cage, taking him out of the building.

"No! Wait! I have to see Professor Membrane! He's my dad! Take a dna test!" THe guards did not listen to Dib as they dragged him across the hallways, "Gaz! Help me!" She waved him away, watching her big brother get dragged away. Dib tried to fight the guards, but it wasn't working, so he grabbed one of his inventions just in case something bad happened, and made an explosion happen behind him. The guards dropped him, surprised, Dib ended up running off, looking for his dad's room.

"Dad! I know where Y/N is! I just need you to help me with it!" Dib sputtered, coughing from being out of breath.

"Not now little boy, ideas about my daughter are discussed during the show," Professor Membrane replied, glancing at Dib in the mirror.

"Little boy? No, I'm your son! Im Y/Ns twin brother!" Dib dropped his suitcase in his office trying to fight off the guards who found him, as they pulled him away, "NO! I know where Y/N is! Dad!!" DIb yelled as they threw him outside.

"Next time, we'll call your parents or legal guardians!" They yelled at him slamming the door closed.

"No! Now we'll never find Y/N," DIb pouted, grasping for his suitcase, but it was nowhere to be found, "Fuck! I must've dropped it somewhere.. Fuck me.." Dib sighed, collecting himself and sadly making his way home, "All that shit for fucking nothing.."

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