Chapter 24- Sneaks and Surprises Pt.2

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Zims Base

3:28 pm

"What the fuck is this place?" Dib and Gaz wondered, making their way forward.

Dib shined his light on one of the tubes, "what the,"

"Dib! Look!" Gaz yelled from the other side, he jogged over as Gaz pointed at the tube.

"Jesus Christ!" Dib shined his light, to find a child in the liquid filled tube, "Who is that?" He gently tapped the glass, and the kid's eyes snapped open.

A wide smile spread on the kids face as he laughed, saying something that the siblings couldn't understand.

"What did he do to him?" Gaz said softly, glancing at his gaping smile.

"I donno, but look, his eyes,," They looked into the kids eyes, "They're filled with sadness,,"

"What the- Dib, we should go,," Gaz glanced around, looking like she heard something.

"How,," Dib glanced around, getting a little freaked out by the tanks of random living things,, "Look for an exit,"

The membrane siblings wandered about the hidden room, trying to find their way out, "Gaz,,,"

"What?" The 14 year old made her way towards him, "Holy shit,"

They both looked over at a containment tank with writing on the bottom. Y/N Membrane.

"No," Dib mumbled, glancing at the little kid drawings on it, "She was here,"

"Look," Gaz said, pointing to the glass. It was a handprint, and a crack, right where she would be.

Dib ran his fingers across the crack, which started from the center and sprawled like a spider's web, "I wouldn't do that if i were you," A voice erupted from behind them, but it wasn't Zim.

"Who's there?!" Dib and Gaz whipped around, shining their lights to the sound, instead of a green alien, they saw a small robot.

"Gir?" The siblings question in unison.

"Hiii!" The robots red glowing switched to blue in a split second as he waved, Gir then stuck out his tongue.

"Hi?" Dib questioned.

"Where's our sister!" Gaz attacked the small robot, picking him up.

"I don't know what youre talking about!" Gir responded, screeching.

"Y/N! Where's Y/N!" Gaz yelled, trying to get him to respond.

Gir tilted his head like a dog, not understanding, Gaz lowered him in defeat.

"Gaz!-" Dib yelled before falling to the ground, passing out. She blacked out before she could comprehend what was happening, leaving the small robot at peace.

The beeping of Dibs alarm was the last noise they heard.

6:00 pm

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