Chapter 34- Seek

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"Ok GIR, i need you to stay here and watch over Y/N, give her what she needs or whatever, you know, but never, ever, let her out." Zim said as he put on his goggles and put in the coordinates of the membrane labs, "I'll be back once i find the bracelet,"

Zim started his way back out, "Master? When will you let Y/N go?" Gir asked, his legs squeaked as he jumped off the couch, looking over at the small alien with big blue eyes.

The aliens antennae lowered as he stared at the door for a minute, then looked behind him for a second, "I will soon Gir, just, keep her safe." Zim stepped out of his home, and closed the door softly, as Gir descended back down to where Y/N was.

Membrane Household

9:38 PM

"And he said, 'that was only phase one of my plan', What does that even MEAN?!" Dib yelled, running his fingers through his hair as Gaz raised an eyebrow at him, "He clearly is going to do something to Y/N, i know it Gaz"

"Dib, even if he did something, we would stop him before anything happens, shes our fucking sister, its not like im just ignoring your crazy thoughts, theyre just crazy," Gaz yelled, shaking her head as he turned around in his chair to look at her sitting on his bed.

"Are you sure we will stop him..?" He said softly as she paused, getting up, she stopped as she opened the bedroom door.

"We will." She walked out and left it open a crack, "Now shut up, i'm going to fucking bed."

Dib sighed as he took off his glasses, and rubbed them to rid the smudges, and looked back at the computers, "Where is he going now,,?" He leaned over and clicked on his mouse to zoom in on Zim walking down his front steps and leaving his home, "Shhhhit." He turned the camera and watched him walk out of the cul de sac as far as the camera could zoom, until he disappeared, into the unknown.

He blinked a couple of seconds, then yawned, looking over at the clock, 12:13 am, "Hes probably getting stupid supplies for his plan, im going to bed." He muttered to himself, tossing his glasses on the desk and flopping on his bed fully clothed, he buried himself in his space blankets and tried to fall asleep.

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