Chapter 9- Lost Friendship

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B/N- Bear Name

I glanced into his violet eyes as his small three fingered hands held my head. The small alien looked sincere about what he said, and I didnt know what to say. 

The ingenuous look in his eyes faded as his hands dropped to his side, "Y/N- I-" He sighed, "I Really like you, like, you're one of the nicest humans to ever talk to me." 

I smiled, never heard him be this nice. This can't be real, there has to be a 'but'. 

Zim continued, "But," 

Damn i was Right- fuck me. 

"I cant have you mess up my mission- no that wasnt worded right-" He yelled to himself, "I dont want you getting hurt when i- um-fuck" 

Gir slowly opened the closet door, peeking out, then waving at us. 

Zim stands up suddenly, looking down at me, "I-" He paused, "Lets go Gir, we're leaving" 

I waited until I heard the front doors close, to get up and find everyone else. 

Turns out, they were looking for me. I tried to make it look like i was fine, but Dib noticed and hung back with me. 

"What's wrong?" He asked me once Gaz and Dad were a good few feet ahead of us. 

"Nothing" I lied, staring straight ahead. 

Dib then grabbed my arm to stop me, "Its Zim isn't it" I couldn't lie to him, he always knows when im lying, i think its a twin thing. He then sighed, "I told you he was bad news as soon as I heard that message" 

"I know, I just- I thought we could be friends" My twin brother looked stressed, his brown eyes met mine as I smiled, "At least you don't have to worry about him sacrificing me to his tallest" He laughed as I stuck out my tongue, pretending that im dead. 

"I guess not. Just promise me you'll stay safe if he comes back" He was being serious, which is rare, he's never serious with me, ever. 

We sat in silence the drive home, the only noise you'd hear is an occasional rapid button smashing from Gaz. 

Dib and I both flopped on his bed, right next to each other. "I still don't understand why he just left me like that" I muttered, looking at my bed above us, "did I do something wrong?" 

"I don't think it was you, I think he's planning something-" Dib said, glancing over at me. 

"Not this again, if your friend just got up and left what would you do?" My face heated up as i got a little mad. 

I waited for his response. The silence was long, but normal. I heard dad break something downstairs in his lab, which made me smile. 

"I-im not sure. I never really had a friend before other than you-" Dib then replied, as I struggled to fix my hair that was stuck under me. 

"So stop judging my relationship with the alien boy" I cross my arms and Dib shifted so he leaned his head in his hands. 

"Fine Fine, you win" 

I jumped up and took off my dress, leaving me in shorts and a sports bra, "I hate dresses" 

Dib giggled, "Weirdo" 

"You're worse!" I stuck my tongue out at him, throwing my dress across our room. 

"Hey, you know what will get your mind of Zim?" 

"What?" I asked, spinning around in his chair. 

My brother stopped it abruptly, looking at me upside down, "Let's make a fort like when we were kids.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him on top of me, somehow, a little too fast because he ended up on the floor. 

"I'll race you!" I quickly pulled my bedsheets off, hitting Dib in the head with them. 

"Ow! What the fuck is in there?" 

"My blankets? Hold up- I might've left a book in here''I snickered, opening my sack, "Wh-Where did this come from?" 

Dib was watching me over my shoulder as I pulled out a present, "To Y/N" I read, about to open it. 

Dib tackled me to stop me from opening it, "What if this is part of Zims evil plan! What if it's like what happened with Keef?" 

"Pfft, i don't think he'd do that" I glanced back at the orange box with a bright pink bow on top, taking it back, "Would he?" 

I go to open it and Dib covers my eyes to protect me, i felt the bow fall down on my legs, pulling the top off. 

I reached my hand in and felt something soft, Dib dropped his hands, "Aww! It's a teddy bear!" 

I picked it up out of the box and glances all over it for traces of alien. 

"Check the zipper- there might be a bomb inside!" Dib practically yelled at me, roughly taking my bear out of my hands. 

He, surprisingly, unzipped it gently, to reveal, stuffing, "Fine, keep it then" I took my bear back, and glanced at him, he matched the box he came in, it was adorable. 

"Im gonna name you-- B/N"

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