Chapter 23- Scars

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Membranes lab

Saturday 1:43 pm

Dib finally woke up after a whole day of being passed out. It was stressing Gaz out just by the thought of losing another sibling.

"What- what happened?" Dibs eyes fluttered open, his world still blurry from lack of glasses.

"Blood," Gaz said softly, eyes widened with horror.

"You should be ok tomorrow, I gave you stitches, just don't do anything with that arm," Professor Membrane said to Dib, entering his lab.

"Stitches? What the-'' His eyes widened, jumping up, "Gaz! I need you to go with me to Zim's house, I think he's hiding something!" Dib then cried out in pain, holding his arm in pain.

"You need to fuckin rest Dib," Gaz pushed him down onto his bed, and he pouted.

"Please Gaz, maybe, Y/N is down there," He pleaded, guilt filling him in thought that it was his fault she was gone.

"Dib you can't," Gaz felt her eyes well up in tears, she just wanted her big sister back, "I- i'll go alone,"

"No gaz please, I don't want you to get hurt," Dib grimaced, cradling his arm as he made his way to his bedroom.

"What did you see?" She asked him, as he put on his coat.

"i-im not sure,"

The membrane children collected all the things they needed to go into the unknown and kill the alien that took their sister.

"You ready?"

"As much as i can be?" Gaz replied to her brother, putting on a sling with water bottles on it. She closed her filled water gun and collected the axe that laid beside the sink.

Professionally, she spun her gun around her finger, putting it in a Holder, walking out to her brother with the axe on her shoulder.

Dib was finishing up his final touches to his bat, he wrote Alien Killer in big, bright red letters, with accidental blood stains around it. He wrapped it with some spare barbed wire, making sure the batteries in his torch worked.

Gently, he placed the missing posters of his sister in her school bag, glancing at one for a second, before putting it in his pocket.

"Lets get that motherfucker." Dib growled, running outside with his sister to find the suspect of their missing sister.

Every block or so, they'd put out missing posters, just so people would know.

"Come on!" Dib ran over to the trash can, kicking it open, leading Gaz down.

"Woah, what happened?" She asked, wandering about, looking at the mess.

"I don't know, it was like this when i was here. Something must've happened.." Dib said in a low whisper, glancing around with his torch, getting a little more paranoid.

"It was down here," He lead her past the destroyed television, and they finally found the pile of, "Destroyed experiments, I tried climbing them, but, slipped, and fell onto,,," He drifted off, pointing his torch towards the area he thought he fell, "Its gone.."

"What?" Gaz' voiced echoed in the abyss as Dib tilted his head.

"There was a containment tube, I- I fell on it, and broke the glass. It's gone," Dib dropped his hand, confused.

"Look, a way in," Gaz put her axe in her sling, crouching down to try and see if there's anything on the other side.

"Gaz i dunno if that's stable, he could've moved it on purpose," Dibs eyes widened as he glanced around the abandoned alien base, "He could be watching us right now,"

"Dib, it's ok, Zim is, I donno, not here, but we aren't here for him, we're here for our sister, ok? Now give me your damn flashlight," Dib sighed, handing it to her, and she got on her hands and knees, gun in one hand, torch in the other, making her way.

The brunette followed closely behind, glancing back every few seconds, just in case.

It was a good minute they were crawling, but to them, it felt like an hour.

"A way out," Gaz whispered, making sure her brother is still behind her.

"Can you go a little faster? I heard," A loud noise made them jump, "Go Gaz!" They crawled as fast as they could to the light.

"Oh my God," Gaz whispered, as Dib scurried in at the last second.

"What?" Dib cleaned his fixed glasses and looked into the unknown, "Holy shit,"

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