Chapter 4- McMeaties

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-hey idiot


-uh the molt thingy is today remember?


Snapchat from Ugly mf👽

It was a picture of his nasty rash.

-ewww! I didn't need to see that

-Just showing you facts.

-im assuming twin is making you come get me?


I take a picture of lil zim

-named him after you


-Yes cuz he's adorable.


-Mhmm he is, like you gtg and save my twin

I smile and get up, putting my phone away.

"Excuse me? Doctor Orian?"

The blonde doctor looks at me, "Yes sweetie?"

"I need to meet my brother somewhere, he said he's having some issues"

"But i was told to keep you until 3" She protests.

"But it's really important. He gets panic attacks and i'm the only one that knows how to calm him."

"Okay then.." She gets out from behind the counter, "Where is he?"

"I'll tell you where to drop me, okay?"


I ended up having her drop me at home, so i could chill for a good 5 minutes.

"Dad? Are you home?" I ask as i drop my school bag on the couch.

The door creaks open as I enter his room, "Ah! Y/N!"

He picks me up with his robotic arms, "How was school?"

I couldn't help but giggle, even though i am 15, he still treats me like his little girl, "Well i just came to say hi"

"You're skipping school! There better be a good reason"

"It's career day dad, it's not an actual day. I'm going to get Dib."

Dad rolls his eyes, "Is it your little friend again?"

I nod as he gently puts me down, "You should invite him for dinner tonight. I'd love to meet him"

"Yeah sure Dad, i'll be home in a good hour"

My bike squeaks as i start my way to collect my twin.

-Where are you exactly?

I text him as i enter McMeaties.

"Y/N!" Zim yells out as I enter the fast food restaurant, making me feel embarrassed because the customers looked at me.

My face heated up as I walked next to the register where someone was placing their order.

"Zim have you seen Dib?" I ask him as he pours a slushie in a cup.

"Dib-stink?" The alien boy places the cup down, "Haven't seen him"

"Can you just-" I jump on the counter and pull him over, for once he didn't fight it.

"Yes?" Zim glances up at me as i smile.

"Sorry i forgot you were so small. Are you going to the dance?"

"What dance?"

"The school dance, im kinda forced to be there"

"Oh no, i have better things to do that isn't listening to wretched human music"

"Goddamnit Zim. I'm gonna ask Gir if he wants to join me" I say as he jumps up, getting real close to my face.

"You are not taking Gir out tonight. I need him for my EVIL PLANS!" Zim yells in my face as I giggle.

"Ya it's his decision." I say blankly as my phone vibrates.

Snapchat from DiB🌟

-im finally gonna be there soon. This guy is a fucking idiot and thinks a crop circle is a signal of aliens.

-Well there's one over my shoulder

-youre an idiot Zim

"Excuse me!" Zim yells, taking my phone with his claws and replying to my brother.


I crack a smile as he hands my phone back, "See ya!"

Incoming call From DiB🌟

I step outside, smiling at Zims obnoxious waving to me, and answer


"What new invention?"


"What did Zim mean by new invention"

"I have no fucking clue"

"But you guys are best friends, doesn't he tell you everything"

"He tells me things that you don't ask about"

"Fuck-" He mutters, "Y/N, look out-!"

Dibs voice echoes as he runs to me, shoving me out of the way before the glass hits me.

"Shit!-" I yelled out as he collides with me. "Jesus christ Dib!"

My eyes widened at the sight of green stuff oozing out of McMeaties. "It's happening..."

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