Chapter 26- Late Nights

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11:37 pm

Dibs marker squeaked as he circled the note about the strange doorway, moving on to the audio files because he had no lead to what was on the other side of the door. It was a dead end.

"Please please pleaseeeeee have the answers," He begged, clicking on the most recent audio file.

File Corrupted

"God fucking dammit!" He yelled, losing his patience, "Please dont be corrputed, i need a fucking lead on where my sister is,"

It was a short audio recording, a good three minutes. "Nothing," He muttered, listening to the file on repeat, all he heard was a bunch of static.

The sound was a mix of high squeaks, loud ones that shifted to quieter ones. Dib rubbed his head, trying not to fall asleep, "What the fuck am i listening to? Zim mustve damaged my fucking back, why would he do that?" DIbs eyes widened, "So I couldn't hear what he wa-! Hold on!" He scampered to put the file into an audio editor.

He tweaked the audio, slowing it down, turnin up the quieter squeaks, reversing it a little. Nothing was working. "How the living fuck do you do this? Can you please cooperate.. I- i just want my sister back. But this bitch ass alien stole her" Dib rambled, fiddling with it once more, until.

"Gir! Did you do what I said!" A voice boomed from his speakers.

Dib perked up from his desk, rubbing the sweat and saliva from his cheek, "It's working.." He whispered.

"Yes mASter!" The robot's voice squeaked.

"Good Gir, i don't want them ruining our plan,"

"What plan?" Dib wondered, rubbing his eyes as he listened to the file.


"Yes sir?"

"Destroy what's left of the Dibs stuff, you don't know what the boy child did to his stuff." Zim muttered, the rattle of his torch moving away from his bag explained the tape still existing.

"On it right away." It cut there, with static echoing in his bedroom. He turned down his speakers and frantically wrote down notes on his notepad.

"Zim is planning something with Y/N as his help, what is he gonna do to her? He better not fucking kill her. If he kills my sister he's so dead. I already have so many fuckin plans to tear that bitch ass alien apart. I want him dead for all he's done, this is the worst thing he could have ever done." Dib wiped some tears that escaped his eyes as he angrily wrote notes in Y/N's favorite marker, "I just hope you're okay Y/N,"

Beep beep- beep beep- beep beep-

"Ugh, what time is it.." Dib groggily sat up, looking at his alarm, 4:00 am. "What was I doing?" He clumsily groped for his glasses on the floor and looked at his research, jumping up, "Holy shit! I Need to tell dad before he makes another fucking Y/N!"

Little membrane ran to the bathroom, getting ready to go to his dad's lab. He shoved on his booties and ran downstairs to grab a morning snack, "Gaz! Where's dad?"

"At work. Obviously" She looked up at him, raising an eyebrow, "Where are you going at this hour?" Gaz took a bite of her cereal as he grabbed a granola bar.

"I think I know where Y/N is, I'm gonna tell dad so he doesn't make another her. I'm gonna need his help finding her." Dib explained, "I gotta go," He went to the front door and Gaz followed.

"If this is for Y/N, i'm obviously coming, dick."

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