Chapter 10- Bear

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"Really?" Dib judged me on my name choice, as he pulled his bedsheets off.

"Don't judge B/N" I held him to my chest like i was protecting him.

Dib and I both ran down the stairs, ignoring Gaz yelling at us to be quiet.

He playfully trips me, and I bring him down as i fall.

Our little sister stomps out of her room, "I told you guys to be quiet i'm tryna read!" Gaz yelled down at us wrestling on the bottom staircase.

I stuck my head out from under Dib, "Ok!" She glared at us for a good minute then stomped back in her room, the wings on her onesie bounced around as she walked away. I'm just surprised she kept that onesie.

Dib tumbled to the floor as I jumped up, scampering to the couch.

We both stumbled around everything until we made a masterpiece of a pillow fort in the living room.

I put my own accent on it, with a little light that reflected stars on the blankets. Dib and i layed silently on the floor, watching the colorful stars dance around the blanket above us.

I breathed softly as he played with my hair, occasionally getting his fingers stuck in knots.

Without any social interaction needed, we both bundled up in my comforter, B/N separating us, and dozed off. This day was- chaotic.

The smell of eggs and pancakes woke me up. I yawned obnoxiously loud, kicking my brother in the face.

"Yeah morning to you too," He mumbled, not moving his eyes from the tv, "Or afternoon,"

"Here Y/N" Foodio came over to me, handing me a plate of freshly made breakfast.

"Oh thanks!" I said to the robot, as he left.

"No that can't be real-" Dib muttered to himself as he watched Mysterious Mysteries.

It showed footage of a man they called- Chicken foot?

I took a whole mouthful of food as he yelled at the tv.

"It is a guy in a Chicky Licky suit! This is fake!" Dib angrily said, knocking my fork out of my hand.

"Children, i'm going to have world leaders tour our house" Dad said through his portable video machine thingy- as others followed behind his.

I went on with eating food as they toured the house.

"These are my lovely twins, Y/N and Dib"

"What the fuck! They can't just be posting fake stuff on this!" Dib vented to his favorite show like the host can hear him.

"You have a lovely daughter, very smart and quiet" One of them compliments.

"Thank you,"

"Your son on the other hand- is a little-"

"Crazy? They both are," My dad chuckled, exposing us to strangers, "My poor insane children. Believing in aliens and such"

"Dad! What the fuck-" I pouted as his simulation left.


Dib looked at me as I finished my plate, "We need to find out the truth about Chicken Foot"

"What? Dib i just got up" I complained, as I went to put the dishes away.

"I know but you're always with me on these-"

"stupid missions?" I finished, placing my plate in the dishwasher, glancing at him sideways.

My brother sighed, "Yes"

"Fine ill go- to get the stupid alien out of my head" I pointed to my brain, crossing my eyes and sticking my tongue out, "Feeling emotions sucks"

"I know" He giggled, leading the way to our bedroom.

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