Chapter 7- Good Times

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After a few minutes of glancing at the dark sky, watching the stars and alien spaceships fly by Earth, I remembered what day it was. "November 24" I said.

"What?" Zim muttered next to me.

"Yes thats today" Gaz replied.

"Today was the day we met 4 years ago" I said in almost a whisper.

"Holy shit it's been that long," Zim twitched, "I-"

"You still haven't taken over our planet," Gaz said blankly, glancing over at him passed me.

Zim scratched his cheek and nodded, "Fuck-"

I closed my eyes and remembered what happened today.


"Y/N! Did you drink the last soda?!" Gaz yelled to me.

"No, it was Dib!" I replied, sipping the soda she was talking about.

She mumbled as I danced to my music I was playing in the living room. "I need to cry baby, cry baby," I sang as I drew on my foldable computer.

A loud splash came from the kitchen, "they're coming!" My twin brother yelled.

I shook my head and got up to throw away my soda can, and to see what's the fuss about with him.

"Dad! I heard a message, the-"

"Shhhhhhhhh- not now son, im making," The kitchen flashed with lightning as dad pulled out a piece of bread, "Toast!"

"Gaz, Y/N," Dib tripped over to us, "They're coming,"

"Who is" Gaz asked as I dropped my can in the trash.

"I'm not sure,"


I smiled and Zim looked at me, "What?"

"How crazy Dib was when we were 11"

"He was a little shit back then," He added

"He still is what do you mean" Gaz snickered.

I giggled and the three of us fell silent again.


"I would like to introduce a new student, class" Miss Bitters said, "His name is Zim, speak now"

"Hello friends," He smiled, "You earthlings and i will work well together if you don't talk to me."

"Does anyone else notice the alien," My Twin brother pointed across the room to Zim and I covered my face in embarrassment. Dib almost convinced my classmates that Zim was an alien, until he mocked him. I couldn't help but laugh, Dib glared at me, "You're not helping."

"Now get the hell out of my class,"

Zim told me Dib attacked him after school while i went home on the bus with Gaz, which explained why he came home all roughed up.

Dib literally had to get checked after a few years of attacking Zim because I literally couldn't handle him at times because of how crazy he can actually get. If Dad didn't step in, Dib probably would've been diagnosed with something he's not.


"Y/N?" Zim scooted over closer to me, "Remember when we became friends?" He giggled and i smiled at him.

"You were the strangest person I have ever met" I glanced at him but he was looking at the forest, "i mean minus my brother"

We both giggled as we thought of what happened,


"Y/N! Just look!" Dib yelled as i sat next to him and Gaz.

I looked at where he was pointing, it was Zim sitting alone at a table, i lowkey felt a little bad about it. If i got up to sit with him Dib would've yelled at me and not talk to me for a week. The popular kid table was making fun of him and I felt worse because hes a new kid. He then, abruptly, stood up after the blonde said he doesn't even have friends. I lost track of him then and decided to draw some cartoon characters.

"What are you doing here?" Dib spat. I elbowed him, glancing up to see Zims lanky legs and high boots.

"For her" His long claw like fingers pointed at me and I got scared. What does he want me for?

"You can't have her." Dib stated, pulling me in close to him.

I didn't give two shits on what was happening, I was just mad that he messed up my picture. Zim didn't say anything after that, i was still glancing down at my picture, but you could hear the faint sound of his boots squeaking closer to me under the chatter of the students. I was half paying attention when he grabbed my sketch book slowly and glanced at it. I couldn't really fight because of how tightly Dib was holding me.

"Hey give it back!" I yelled at him, he just looked at me, with a sly smile. Swiftly, I slid under Dibs arm and chased him to the other side of the cafe. Zim giggled as I leapt on top of him to get my sketchbook back. "Yes!" I yelled out as took it from his hand.  We both giggled and i felt Dibs eyes glaring at me, but I ignored it, "My names Y/N ," I stuck out my other hand that wasn't holding my sketchbook.

The small green kid looked at my hand, "Are you holding something invisible?"

"You're supposed to shake it, i've seen it in some movies" I said to him, smiling at his confusion.

He then dropped his hand in mine and I shook it, "Zim, with a capital 'm', are we friends now?"

"I guess?"


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