Chapter 16- Anxiety

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Iggins was a step ahead of us, and ended up going to the battery store, realizing we had them all.

Gaz threw the bag of batteries in the trash and followed him.

I went earlier before gaz did so i can fumble with the elevator. Quickly, I loosened the buttons on the pad, then got the electrical scissors i found in the electricians bag, waiting for the right moment to cut the wire free.

I shivered in the cold, knowing im probably gonna get sick, but ya know, siblings helping each other.

Gaz smiled a crazy smile at me when she climbed up the ladder on the side of the building, right when Iggins showed up.

He yelped in fear as she glared at him, getting on the elevator as well.

Gaz put up two fingers right when the doors closed on them and they went flying down.

I counted down from 120 and looked off the edge of the building to make sure its just iggins in the elevator, to cut the wire.

For absolutely no reason, I dropped the scissors off the building, then went down another one to get my sister.

She stepped on right when the doors opened, we did a little handshake as a, we fuckin did it, and made our way back home.

It was clear as fuck outside like it never rained when we started our way back. I checked my phone to find several snaps from Dib, and people I have streaks with, noticing the time is 4:49 in the morning.

"Jeez we have school in two hours Gaz," I said to her as she played her GS2.

"Well Damn," She said with no enthusiasm.

"Children!" Dad said to us as we made it home at 5:20, "I will allow you to be late to school, but you better fuckin go for at least 5 minutes," He took off his goggles to make eye contact with us as i made my way to take a shower and go to bed.

"Thanks for nothing," I said to Dib as i entered our room with him coming out of the bathroom.

"Jeez you're home now?"

"I get to stay home, have fun, wait, where are your glasses?"

"You did not open what i sent you?"

Dib grumbled as he left for school. I looked through what he sent me, which was ridiculous.

Dib looked chaotic as fuck in the first snap, and he snapped me like 20 times. His glasses were on the floor beneath him as he hung upside down on my bed. He was on the brink of falling, and it said, where are you?

I looked at the second snap, he was on the floor with his now broken glasses, his hair all weird. I'm not sleeping till you get home.

There was a video next, "You better be coming home, Y/N," I noticed dad opening the door to check on him.

"What are you doing?" Dad asked him for some reason, the video kept playing.

"I fell off Y/N's bed and-" Dib reached down, "I guess broke my glasses,"

"Damn Dib, and youre blind as fuck," I snickered at my dads comment as he continued, "Welp either you go to school blind or with goggles,"

Dib grimaced as I smiled, "Damn he shoulda went with the goggles,"

I then looked at the texts he sent.

Where the fuck are you


Y/N fuckin Membrane where the fuck are you

If zim got you im gonna kill him

I layed in bed and texted him back, with a heart emoji.

Dib❤ is typing...

Damn you Y/N

Tell me what happens in class thx.

😒 fine.

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