Chapter 15- Iggins

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We were too late though, the line was already really long. "Damn, im sorry lil sis,"

She shrugged it off but i know she was pretty bummed out. We took our place in the back of the line, and to our surprise, a kid went behind us.

"Hi! My names Iggins! What's yours?"

"Gaz," She answered and I just watched my little sister interact with the strange Iggins.

"Gaz, what a funny name. You're waiting for the GameSlave two right?," He didn't even wait for her to reply, "I already have the Japanese version, but i want to get this one because it has a new level-" Iggins just kept going and I wanted him to stop, whos kid is this oh my lord,

"Alright! You guys can come in and purchase the new GameSlave 2! To make it an easier run, my friend here will escort you to the exit from this zip line," The store owner explains as his friend demonstrated with one of the kids in my class, Poonchy.

"Oh jeez," I snickered as I put my arm around Gaz to bring her next to me, "That looks fun"

"Yea," She snickered as we finally made it in the store.

The cashier looks around as we smile an exasperated smile, but it quickly faded when he looked back at us, "We're all out, there'll be more in about a month or two,"

"What!" Gaz yelled, "They can't all be gone, I sat through mysterious mysteries for this!"

"Well, someone pre ordered one and hasn't picked it up, if Clarence Wong doesn't show up, it's yours," He said to Gaz.

"Clarence Wong? Thats me..!" Iggins lied, paying for the GS2.

"Damn-" I muttered as Gaz angrily followed him to his car, "You lied kid, your name isn't Clarence, you told us yourself,"

"I saw my chance and i took it, thats why im the champion," Iggins smiled as Gaz glared into his soul. I was ready to beat up the kid for lying, but his mom was right there.

"I'll buy it off you, if i don't get it you can't handle me," Gaz grumbled as I cracked my knuckles.

"Yall need some help," He closed the door, leaving us empty handed on the side of the street, but we won't end it there.

It started to pour and we treaded through it, following his moms car at a steady pace, to find where he lives. Gaz and i didnt even need to plan on what we were doing, we just knew. We finally made it, soaked and cold, but I needed to get this game for her, it was my fault she didn't get one.

Gaz went out back to keep an eye on him as I snuck into his house, knowing he didn't lock the door. She told me the GS2 isn't fully charged when you get it, so I started collecting all the batteries around his house.

Iggins started yelping in fear upstairs as i snuck around, putting the batteries from every battery powered object into a plastic baggie. I snickered as Gaz went through the front door as Iggins hurried to the top of the staircase.

Gaz looked right at me, putting down fingers from 5. Iggins started scrambling around the rooms upstairs to find batteries, and we scamper off to the living room to catch him.

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