Chapter 6- School Dance

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F/S- favorite song

F/A- favorite artist

I showed dad my pictures as Zim picks with his food. "Aww they are adorable" He giggles. 

"This one I named Dib, and I named him Zim" I point out as he takes a sip of his tea. 

"Absolutely adorable" 

My cheeks warm up as I smile, "Gir, you ready to party?" 

"Yes!" He yells out, knocking my phone out of my hand. 

Foodio3000 quickly grabs it and replaces it with a fork. I don't really care, and start eating. 

"Zim, are you in any of Y/N's classes?" My dad speaks up as i eat my macaroni. 

"Why yes, we have the same teacher for- everything" Zim stutters, not touching his food. 

"Thats nice, is she answering questions?" He jokes. 

"Dad-" I roll my eyes, "We gotta go" 

"Oh Yes, your dance is tonight! Now go children, get dressed, I have to introduce you to the crowd, so look pretty," Dad glances at Dib, "And handsome" 

Zim follows me to my room once I finish eating and I smile as his boots squeak. 

"Wait right there, i'll put on this damn dress" I grumble. 

My clothes drop to the floor as I swiftly put on my F/C dress, I then proceed to take out my braids to make my naturally H/S hair a little more poof. 

"What do you think?" 

Zim stared at me, and I couldn't exactly read his expression. 

"You look nice i guess" Zim finally replies, without glancing at me. 

"Ready dad!" I yell out, waiting for a response downstairs. 

"Alright children, and friends, lets go" Dad says to us as we pile in the car. 

"Is this what hu-" I punch Zim in the arm before he started a fight with Dib. 

The car stopped suddenly and dad turned around to look at us, "you guys can do whatever just be back in the gym at 6," 

"Ok!" I replied, pulling out my backpack and grabbing Gir, shoving him inside, "Snug?" 

He shifts a little bit, "Yup!"

"Now don't say anything until I say, got it?" He nods and I zip it closed. 

"Lets go," I say to Zim as I jump out of the car. 

"Ah the Membrane family," Miss Bitters said to us as we all walked in my school, "Join the party," 

Zim followed me silently as I made my way to the closest to let Gir out. 

I pulled him out like a stuffed animal and zipped up my back while he was in my arms. "Ready?" 

The three of us stepped into the cafe where the music was playing, F/S by F/A, to be exact. 

"This doesn't seem like dance music" Zim muttered beside me. 

"No but its chill music," I lead them to the snack table and grab a plate to fill it with a shit ton of fruits. 

"I'm gonna dance!" Gir says as his little feet squeak on the floor. 

He practically pulls me with him because I was holding onto his leash. Zim followed like a little kid behind me as Gir desperately squeaked to the dance floor.

I had to let go of his leash to watch him dance and be able to eat my food. 

"Boo!" Gaz yelled out behind us, making Zim jump up. 

"Ah! You fucking human!" He yelped. 

Gaz giggled, "Everytime," She shifted to my left side, "Have you seen Dib?" 

I shook my head, "No, he disappeared as soon as we walked in" 

Gaz put her pointer finger and thumb on her chin and looked at the ceiling, "Yeah, true," Her black leather boots tapped on the tiled floor, "I'll just chill with you" 

Gaz and i literally looked like polar opposites. Right now i'm in a bright orange short dress and white polka dot converse. Then my little sister is wearing a dark purple super short dress with black leggings, fingerless gloves and leather boots. 

Very different. 

In reality we are pretty similar personality wise, which explains why she is nicer to me than Dib. We both are pretty creepy, I have dark humor, she has this hobby that she makes stuffed animals to something creepy. Obviously, we both love Halloween. 

I took another bite out of a strawberry, "Maybe he's with dad" 

Gaz just shrugged, watching Gir dance. 

"Do you guys wanna go somewhere else?" She then suggested. 

I shrugged, it was better than awkwardly standing there as my classmates slow danced. 

Zim wasn't really paying attention but still followed. 

"Should i bring Gir?" I asked her. 

She shook her head, her purple hair poofing up a little, "He'll be fine" 

We followed my little sister outside to the back of the school. It was really calming to be out of the chaos and heat. 

The three of us sat on the concrete in silence, staring off into the dark woods a few feet in front of us. 

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