Chapter 17- Science Project

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"Damn-" I whispered as sniffled, opening one eye to see my brother shutting off the alarm.

"Get UP!" He yelled at me as a pillow hit me in the head, "You have a group project to do"

The three of us rushed out of the house and walked to school in the pouring rain at 7 am.

"Miss. Membrane, you will be working with Melvin and Keef on the project," Ms Bitters explained to me as Dib went to sit down with Gretchen and Zita, "Any questions?"

"Yeah, why can't I work with my brother?"

"Cuz i assigned the damn groups now go," She hissed as I rolled my eyes, sticking out my tongue to Dib across the room.

"H-hi?" Melvin said to me as i sat down at the table they were at.

"So what are we doing? I wasn't listening,"

"Basically we are going to be making a prototype of a car using whatever we have at home." Keef explained, twitching, "We were thinking- because you are Professor Membrane, the world's famous scientists daughter, you could bring in the parts."

I nodded, agreeing with the redhead, a little smaller than I am.

"Then we'll help you make it here in class- so you don't do all the work,"

"Alright i can do that," I said as Melvin squirmed.

"Here's a drawing I did of the car," I glanced at the blonds, actually pretty well done drawing.

Melvin then got up and sat next to me, pulling his chair a little closer to mine, "So Keef and I decided it to be a sports car, you okay with that?"

"Yea, I honestly would love to be a race car driver."

"Really?" His blue eyes sparkled, "You can put your own touch on it because it is your stuff, i mean if you want,"

I giggled and he smiled, "Okay,"

"Ok so- I kinda imagined it as a basic race car, that's why it has the normal," He makes quotes with his fingers, "Build, of it. I scribbled it with orange flames to add, I donno, speed looking sense,"

I smiled, "Its cool,"


Keef then coughs and honestly I forgot about him, "I can bring art supplies to color it when we're finished,"

"Okay," Melvin and i say in unison.

"Make sure its sharpie so it doesn't wipe off though," I added right when the bell rang.

Everyone started to pack up as I grabbed my backpack to go to recess.

"Y/N!" Dib yelled at me as I walked away. I halted to a stop as he ran into me, making me die of laughter, "Hey! That wasnt funny, you know i cant fucking see," Dib emphasised his face as he squinted.

"Hows your girlfriend Gretchen," I asked him as he stuck out his tongue, pretending to choke.

"Why would you even joke about that, she liked me since middle school. She's like not pretty," Dib then wandered off and i grabbed him to get him out of the way of people.

"Calling girls ugly is mean dib no wonder no one likes you," I said as Gaz attacked him from behind.

I snickered as he yelped, "Whats up," My lil sis said to me as she played her GameSlave 2.

"Nothing," I hoisted Dib up and dragged him with me, "Just dib being wimpy."

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