Chapter 20- Stellar

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Outer space

March 22, 2043

2:46 pm

Zim wanted to take me to space, for some reason. I didn't know what to tell my brother, or how to break the news that i'm with the alien invader, so I didn't say anything.

"Bet you're wondering why we're in the middle of space, looking at your solar system,"

I smiled, "no shit," It was real quiet in this small area, and the view was magnificent. I never thought I'd see earth in space, "Its beautiful," I whispered, watching the lights glow from earth.

"Isn't it?" Zim placed his hand on the glass, "Y/N, look at me," He slid his gloved hand under my chin, turning my head to face him. "The whole reason I brought you here, is to say sorry,"

"You already said sorry though," His hand dropped.

"I'll be legit now, then," He cracked a smile, but it dropped quickly, "i'm just not used to, feelings," Zim shook his head, "Ya know, cuz i'm a heartless, lonesome freak, from outer space,"


"ShhHhhhhhh! Im STILL talking," I smiled as he shushed me, letting him continue, "But for some reason, you and your cute little face, made me feel some weird shit,"

I raised an eyebrow, thinking some cursed shit, but pulling my hood up cuz I felt my face heat up.

"Damn that came out wrong, but you get it right?" Zim tilted his head, his antennae bending sideways. I didn't reply, and he continued, "Just," He sighed, grabbing the steering wheel, "Stop being so cute ok i can't function,"

Where's the Zim i know and love? I'm scared wtf did he do all week.

"I have a damn mission Y/N and i dont want you in the way of destroying your fuckin planet," Zim stuck out his tongue in anger, or how I call it, he angy 😡.

I snapped a pic with the caption, and saved it, then glanced back at him. "So i'm cute huh," I playfully slid next to him and he shoved me away.

"Zim said no such thing."

"Where are we going then?" I wondered, glancing off where he was looking.

"A place I like to chill," He replied, keeping his focus on the vast area in front of us.

"To chill? On earth? Invader Zim likes to chill?"

He gave me a sly smile, but his eyes said he wanted to hurt me, so I backed off. Surprisingly, he pulled me closer.

I snickered, "So um where are we going?"

"You'll see,"

"What if i am looking away," I widened my eyes and looked the other direction, breaking into giggles right after.

Zim raised an eyebrow, not getting my joke, I punched him in the arm because of that, "Ow! What was that for?"

"You didn't get my joke, you're supposed to be my one friend that knows everything I know," I pouted and he tilted his head.

"You little shit, I had things to do last week," Zim growled, right as he landed the Voot Cruiser, "We're here,"

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