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July 23

"I ain't gonna tell you again Brooklyn...Get the fuck off my damn property!" Chris yelled getting more into her face. She chuckled and turned her head, not at all phased by his outbursts.

"Chris, get out my face." She calmly spoke while looking towards the ground, her right leg rapidly shaking. She was trying her best to not go crazy in his face, but he wasn't helping the situation. She was ticking like a bomb that was about to go off any minute.

"Fuck you gon do about it?" He tested, getting more into her face. Immediately, she stood and swung her arm around ready to hit him, but he caught it quick. Her breathing got harder and she forcefully snatched her arm back. They stared each other down, both with unsteady breathing.

"Now imma tell you one more time-." He started before getting cut off by Brooklyn storming out of the house. She sped over to her car and yanked the door open. Getting in, she hit the steering wheel as hard as she could before breaking down crying.

It wasn't fair to her. It wasn't fair that he got to do her so dirty yet she was the one filled with all types of emotions. It wasn't fair that he didn't care. It wasn't fair that she had to deal with everyone's opinions on her life because of something that he did. It wasn't fair that through everything, she loved him. It wasn't fair that the love she had wouldn't just disappear.

Pulling down her mirror, she examined her red face and red eyes. She sighed and grabbed a tissue from out her glove compartment. She glanced at his house one last time before slamming the compartment and pulling off.

"This isn't you Brook." She spoke to herself as she drove, a lone tear running down her face. This wasn't her. It wasn't her to be crying over a boy who couldn't get his shit together. She tried so hard with him, she tried to always see the good in him, but it was hard because he never saw the good in himself.

Everyone tried to tell her to leave him alone the first time, but she was young and blind. This only gave him gateway to fuck up even more. She was dumb and allowed him to do any and everything. But that all changed for her now. Though it was hard for her to do, she knew it was right to let go of him...for what she hoped would be forever.

She took a deep breathe as she pulled into her driveway. She took a sip of her water to calm herself down and cleared her throat before getting out of her car. Heading towards her front door, she noticed the light in her living room on. She rolled her eyes, knowing that she had some unwanted visitors. Unlocking her door, she walked right in, ignoring the fact that Nylah was on her couch.

"I know this bitch did not just- Brooklyn Smith!" Nylah yelled out as Brooklyn made her way upstairs. Brooklyn let out a deep sigh and turned around to face her best friend who rounded the corner. Nylah was about to make a slick comment until she seen the look on her best friends face.

She looked flushed and her face was still a deep red. She didn't have on her normal, radiant glow or her cheerful smile. Her eyes weren't big and bright like they usually were. Except, they were dull and swollen. She looked completely out of it at that, not looking the same way she looked when she had left the house this morning.

"Oh baby." Nylah whispered, pulling Brooklyn into a hug. Brooklyn couldn't hold back anymore, she broke down right on the stairs. She was trying to get herself together so Nylah wouldn't have to see her like this, but no matter how hard she tried, the only thing she could think about was him.

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