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October 21st: 2 months 3 week


"We bout to make this nigga sweat girl

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"We bout to make this nigga sweat girl." I mumbled to myself as my heels played music on the tile floor. I adjusted my purse and held my head up high, making my way down to the meeting room. I looked down at my outfit, making sure that I wasn't showing anything that would scream "pregnancy" to anyone.

Today would be an eventful day because we're having another meeting with Black Pyramid for the line. Because we are having this meeting, both owners of each clothing line has to attend the meeting. That means Chris and I because we have to go over legal things and design stuff. Usually, this meeting would be smooth and easy because we were together. But today, I don't know what to expect but I knew I was about to make him sweat.

"Sorry I'm late, traffic was crazy." I did a light chuckle as I entered the room. Everyone was already here except for me but I had to pick out the right outfit. I also needed my face beat and then this wig wasn't trying to get laid this morning. But everybody in here don't gotta know all that so we just gon stick with the heavy traffic excuse.

"Oh that's fine, we're just glad you're here now." Gabriel, Chris's head designer spoke up. I simply nodded and went to sit down by my team. I didn't make any type of eye contact with Chris not anyone else in the room.

"Ok, so can we get started?" My eyes cut over to a girl sitting next to Chris. She was the same one from when I stopped by his house and she claimed she was the assistant.

"Gladly." I smirked while sitting up in my seat. I grabbed my purse and pulled out some of the files in there. I laid each one on the table and stood up to make it easier to point to each one.

"Alright so this right here, Chris and I thought of this months ago. It's the black and blue track suit and it's gonna say 'Black Rosè' as a way to incorporate both of our names. Some will say Black Rosè like this piece while others will have different names. Before the black, we're gonna have my rose logo and after the Rosè, we're gonna have his pyramid." Everyone nodded their heads, already looking interested in what I was saying. I looked over at Chris to see if he was gonna say anything, but his eyes were glued to me. I know Chris and those eyes weren't glue because he was listening and being attentive. I was getting to him and I was enjoying every second.

"Mr.Brown, is there anything you would like to add?" Karla asked, she was his lawyer for the legal transactions.

"Oh uh yeah..." he pulled out some papers that had drawings on them as I sat back in my seat. He stood up ready to propose some art that I haven't seen yet.

"These are just some hoodies and vests along with sweats. Some are sweat suits some are just there. For these, I was thinking that it would be dope if we could have it say 'Black Pyramid X Makayla Rosè.' That would only be on the sweatpants leg and for the sweatshirts, it would be on the arm or the sides." I nodded my head but I wasn't really listening cause lord this man was so fine it didn't make sense.

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