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February 3rd: 7 months 3 days


"Come here." Chris seductively spoke, making his voice deeper than usual. He's grown to have a little rasp from his lack of moisture in his throat.

"Why?" Camille spoke, matching his energy. Chris smirked as he seen her eyes sparkle, he was close to what he was trying to do. Marilyn was gone for the day which left him there with Camille. He assumed Marilyn was out to get a refill of drugs to insert in his body, but he didn't care about that right now. He managed to learn that Camille was the dumb hoe meaning he just needed to get her to crack. Even if that meant doing some things he wouldn't be proud of.

"I'm tryna make you feel good." He cringed on the inside after those words left his body. But once he seen her eyes glow for a minute, he internally laughed to himself. He watched her hesitate for a minute before slowly standing up and walking over to him. His eyes remained on her the whole time, just to make sure she didn't try some other shit.

"Well then make me feel good." Camille grabbed his chin and tilted his head up, covering his lips with her own. Chris wanted to head butt her so bad to get her off of him, but he had to play it cool for right now. He closed his eyes before beginning to kiss back. He could hear her moan into the kiss, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Untie me so I can do what I gotta do." Chris mumbled on her lips. She immediately snatched her head away, twisting her lips to the side in deep thought. She knew Marilyn wouldn't be happy but she had needs which needed to be satisfied. She shrugged, walking over to Chris and untying his hands first.

Now Chris had two different ideas in his head. The first one being to just go through with his original plan and the second one being to grab her by her neck and knock her out. He didn't want any violence charges, especially not towards any female being that he does have an unforgettable past. But he felt everyone should understand his reasoning behind his actions IF he did decide to knock her ass out.

"Come to the bed." Chris hadn't even noticed he was fully untied until she said something. He deeply sighed and stood up to follow her over to the bed. He watched her throw herself on the bed, spreading her legs wide open.

"I can't do this." Chris mumbled to himself. His plan was to just fuck her until she fell asleep, but all he could think about was how ran through she was. Not only that but there was no condom in sight. He crawled on the bed, sliding his body between her legs. His eyes shone dark for a minute before his hand wrapped around her neck.

"Give me your phone, give me the front door key, and let me the fuck out now." Camille's eyes began reflecting fear and pain. Chris didn't care, he enjoyed watching her struggle to breathe. After the way he was used and tortured, he had no room to feel bad for anything he was doing. Her eyes began to roll to the back of her head which led him to release his grip on her. She rolled over, hanging off of the side of the bed coughing loudly.

Chris looked at her, his face showing pure disgust. He rolled his eyes and walked over by where her phone was. He grabbed it, walking back over by Camille who was still trying to catch her breathe. He yanked her head up by her hair, pointing her face towards the screen to unlock the phone. He let go once he was finished, making her head flop down again. He grabbed the front door key and ran down the steps. He grabbed her purse, taking her car keys out before dropping the bag on the floor.

"You better stop!" Chris turned around to see Camille standing there with what looked to be a gun. His mouth slightly gaped and he scrunched up his face.

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