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February 19th: 7 months 2 weeks

February 19th: 7 months 2 weeks

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"Look at the pregnant momma." Brooklyn gave a fake smile towards her sister before fully entering Brielle's house. She convinced Brooklyn to come over so that they could talk about the whole her and Trey situation. Brooklyn wasn't trying to hear anything about that whole thing, but for her sister's sake she decided to come.

They both walked upstairs to Bri's room. Brooklyn scrunched up her face as she looked around. There were boxes everywhere and the closet looked empty from what she could see.

"The hell all these boxes doing in here?" Brielle turned around while sitting on her bed. She took a deep sigh before running her hand down her face. She nibbled on her bottom lip, nervous to even be having this well needed conversation with her sister. Though Brooklyn was younger than Brielle, most would never guess that.

"Well, I'm actually moving out." Brooklyn took sat in the nearest seat. Her back was facing the door while her body faced Brielle head on. They were face to face, eye to eye.

"I swear you better not say what the hell I think you are." Brooklyn gritted out. Brielle sighed in frustration as she pulled her legs up to her chest.

"Look, I don't need you here to be trying to judge me or whatever you're trying to do. I am a grown ass woman Brooklyn, what I choose to do in terms of who I mess with is simply my business. That has nothing to do with you." Brooklyn smirked and leaned back in her seat.

"Bold of you to assume I wanted to have this conversation with you Ms.Mamas. I would have been completely fine moving forwards with the little information that you let me know of on the plane. My opinion on this shit stays the same Brielle, you and him fucking or messing around or whatever is weird as fuck. What about your kids? You're moving your children into another nigga's house?" Brooklyn's head was circling all over the place. She didn't know what was going on or why this was even a thing.

"Why are you acting like this? That bitch tried to get at your man and you're basically defending her. This is why people run all over you and don't take you serious cause you always tryna spare a bum ass bitch's feelings." Brooklyn raised an eyebrow, but before she could respond they both heard the doorbell ring.

"You expecting someone?"Brielle shook her head before standing up and doing a slight stretch. Brooklyn stayed planted in her sear, her excuse being that she's pregnant and wouldn't be able to run away from a murderer fast.

"Makai?" Brooklyn mumbled to herself in a questioning tone. She stood up, walking into the hallway and peered down the reeling to see none other than her loud and dramatic younger brother.

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