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It's been 6 months. The twins were now 10 months, Brooklyn was now 26, Chris was now  28. Not much has changed in her life except for the fact that she's moved up financially and in the business world. Her brand now being a name known all around. She's had a lot of time to work, build, and accomplish a lot of things that she's wanted to.

Chris was also doing well. It was November and he was finishing up his tour. He had 6 shows left and they were all in California. He had 2 weeks left of tour and Brooklyn along with the twins would be joining him to finish it off.

Brooklyn and Chris....they were in a weird position. She was still stuck on not getting back with him, but there was also a part of her that wondered what if he was serious this time. What if this last go around, they would get it right? But as she said in their therapy session 6 months prior, she was scared.

Chris knew that she wanted to try again deep down, though he didn't push her. It was hard for him to try to keep his promises to her and be honest with everything. It was also hard being away on tour and any little picture getting a big headline. He was on his best behavior during tour. 6 months and he still hadn't had sex with anyone except Brooklyn.

Yes...Brooklyn. It went from one night to constantly. The first time was a slip up that she wasn't proud of. She vowed to never do it again but that didn't last. To not only Chris's but also to her surprise, she was the one coming onto him most of the time. Chris was big on not pressuring her into anything because he wanted to stay in her good graces.

Brooklyn was purely confused. She knew he was being honest when he told her he hasn't messed with anyone else in the 6 months since therapy. Adding that to the 3 months before that, he hasn't messed with anyone but her in nearly a year. That was a plus for him but it only caused more confusion to her.

"Bernice I see him in 2 days." Brooklyn mumbled as she put on Micah's shoes while Malachi stood in the corner trying to balance on both feet. Brooklyn held the phone between her ear and shoulder, struggling with the kicking baby.

"Well bitch, I don't know what to tell you. Did you call Raine?" Raine was a girl that Brooklyn met about 4 months ago. Originally she worked for Brooklyn but once she was doing an outstanding job, she got promoted. Now she worked side by side with Brooklyn and quickly turned into one of her closest friends along with Bernice.

"No, she's somewhere with Trey most likely." In the early stages of Trey and Brielle's "relationship," they called it quits before barely starting. Trey felt it was too much trying to handle her along with her kids. So Brooklyn took the initiative to introduce Trey and Raine. Raine was single and all about work, not saving any time for her personal life which Brooklyn didn't like. Once the two met, they hit it off instantly and made it official about 2 weeks ago.

"Well babes, I don't know what to tell you. What's the big deal anyways, y'all were sucking and fucking like 3 months ago before he went on tour." Brooklyn rolled her eyes and picked up Micah, she placed him on her hip and moved her phone to the other side.

"Okay and? That was just sex and back then I wasn't as confused as I am now. Do you know that he hasn't been messing with anyone since we broke up? I know he's not lying either because he put it on our children and he also can't lie for shit." Brooklyn nearly whispered into the phone while grabbing Malachi's arm. Because he couldn't really walk yet, she would have to kind of drag him to the car. They were too big to be doing the two arm thing.

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