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August 2: 3 days

"Damn" I heard Nylah mumble. I looked up at her seeing that she was biting her lip at something on her screen. Being curious, I walked over and peeped over to see a fine piece of man on her screen.

"Well damn bitch." I said causing her to jump a bit. She was so zoned into her phone that she didn't even notice I was behind her. Ignoring the fact that I scared her, I grabbed her phone and began scrolling through the pictures of the man on her screen.

"Well who is this?" I asked her and she shrugged. Well lemme find out.

"I don't know. He just popped up on my explore page and he fine as hell." I nodded in agreement before handing her the phone back.

"Wait...aren't you and Trey basically together?" I asked her. She paused her lurking and twisted her lips before looking up at me. She scrunched up here face, something that she always did when she was confused and thinking about something.

"Trey and I are what most would call, fuck buddies." She nodded her head after finding the right words. She sounded unsure of what they even were causing me to shake my head. "I'm not really fucking with him like that any more because you and Chris-." I put up my hand to stop her before chuckling.

"Girl, just cause Chris and I broke up don't mean you gotta stop getting dick." I smiled at her laughing. I don't wanna be the one to stop her little happiness because of what I'm going through.

"I mean, I guess." She shrugged. I shook my head before standing up and stretching. I walked to the kitchen and my mouth watered at the sight of Oreos.

"Don't mind if I do." I mumbled before peeling back the tab. I grabbed about five before joining Nylah back into the living room. She looked at me with a slight pout on her face causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"How are you doing?" She asked. I chuckled and shrugged. I was surprisingly doing good without Chris. It was a week since we did what we did and I was doing great.

"I mean, he's been calling me and popping up all week but I've been ignoring. It was hard in the beginning you know, not giving into his temptation and all that shit. I see he's been getting annoyed and frustrated though because he been posting his lil subs." I smirked causing Nylah to start laughing.

"I'm so proud of you. I'm just glad that you're done, at least for now. You're worth so much more than what you carry yourself to be." All I could do was nod my head in agreement.

"Enough of this sappy shit, are we still going out tonight?" I asked. She playfully rolled her eyes, getting up and walking to the door. Before she could say anything, there was a knock on the door.

"Your ass expecting someone while I'm here? Rude lil bitch." She mumbled the last part but I still heard her. Ignoring her comment, I went to the door and swung it open.

"Kai!" I yelled out, jumping on my little brother. He immediately pushed me off of him causing me to land straight on the ground. Him and Nylah erupted in a fit of laugher as I sat there with a blank face.

"Fuck wrong with you jumping on me and shit? Your old ass think you light?" He asked me before stepping over my body and walking in. Nylah shook her head and stepped over me walking out. I still remained on the ground looking dumb.

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