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February 1st: 7 months


"Happy 7 months!" Brooklyn looked up to see Bernice entering her room

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"Happy 7 months!" Brooklyn looked up to see Bernice entering her room. She didn't even try to put on the fake smile that she's been wearing for the past week. Yes, week. It has been about a week and a half since anyone has seen or heard from Chris. What everyone has seen is the same sex tape that Brooklyn seen. She felt humiliated, embarrassed, hurt, betrayed, the list goes on. 

"Thanks." She mumbled, not taking her eyes away from the TV screen. She's been having trouble with eating, not at all having an appetite. The only way she has been eating was from Bernice nearly forcing her. She could feel herself slowly falling into a fit of depression, she knew that her health was going down. 

"Listen mama, you need to get it together. If it's not for yourself then for the two little baby boys you have living in there." Brooklyn bit down on her bottom lip, trying her best to tune Bernice out. She didn't want to talk nor did she want to be lectured by anyone.

"I get it, I really do. But I can't help it, how would you deal with a situation like this? My children's father is deadass missing. How the fuck do you lose a whole Chris Brown?! Shit makes no damn sense. Then I get shit sent to me showing that he's missing because he wanted to fuck some two dollar ass bitches and-." 

"Wait a minute. So I know you haven't been on social media and all of that but I wanted to show you something. This has been trending after someone pointed it out..." Bernice walked over by Brooklyn, sitting on the bed next to her. Brooklyn adjusted herself to sit up right and watched as Bernice typed away at her phone. 

"So this is the tweet and it says 'They covered his face in each video and picture, he's making no noise, and you can see in the background of her selfie that he looks restrained. I think y'all need to look into this deeper.' From there, the tweet has been being re-tweeted everywhere. Brooklyn I think he was raped." Brooklyn raised an eyebrow, grabbing the phone from Bernice. She used her two fingers to zoom into the picture and the videos. 

"Oh shit." Brooklyn mumbled once she realized what people were talking about. Damn near jumping out of the bed, she grabbed her phone and quickly went to the app store. She rapidly shook her leg, waiting for the two apps to download. Bernice watched Brooklyn closely, biting down on her bottom lip. 

"Brook we need to get back to Miami." Brooklyn looked over her shoulder at Bernice. After Brooklyn received the videos, she forced Bernice, Brielle, and Makai to come with her back to California. It was weird because she was still staying in the house that they shared, but she was getting ready to leave. 

"Let's go right now." Brooklyn said as she began walking out the room. She typed a number into her phone and put it to her ear. Listening to the rings, she grabbed the first set of keys she seen and walked out the door. Bernice followed closely behind, grabbing her purse before walking out the door. 

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