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October 27th: 3 months 4 weeks


I walked into the room after Yasmine who held the door open for me

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I walked into the room after Yasmine who held the door open for me. I quietly thanked her before taking a seat across from her. I sat slouched in the seat and she stared at me as if I was supposed to say something.

"You gon talk or sum? You asked me to come here and talk to you but you staring at me like I'm supposed to be initiating conversation." I was already in a shitty mood like I've been in for the past days. Brooklyn been paying me dust like she wasn't just on my dick a few days ago. Then there's some shit going on with the album that needs to be resolved in a matter of 4 days. Now Yasmine wanna hit me with a 'talk'.

"I don't appreciate how you treat me like i'm some hoe on the street or-."

"You're my fucking assistant! I treat you like an assistant which is what you are. We not supposed to be out here kicking it like we best buds or some shit. It don't work like that." She furrowed her eyebrows and smirked at me as if she figured something out. I crossed one leg over the other and leaned back knowing she was about to hit me with some bullshit.

"You know what the crazy thing is? You were definitely not saying that when you were all up in me fucking my brains out. Your little ex lets you back in and you push me to the side. I hope you know I'm not just gonna let that slide." I groaned and counted down from 10 in my head so that I wouldn't snap on her. I took a deep breathe before looking back at Yasmine who was looking at me with a devious smile.

"What the hell is your problem man? Do you not have bout two kids to take care of? Yet you on my dick cause I was with my ex girl?" She pursed her lips at me before tilting her head. She clasped her hands together and bit down on her lip. I could see the lust filling her eyes before she shook her head and the look disappeared.

"Look, if you just give me what I want then I won't go running my mouth to TMZ and all the other blogs that would be happy to get this story. If you don't, then you and your little ex are gonna be in the news for a couple days boo." She made a fake sad face before letting out a loud laugh. I clenched and unclenched my fists while staring at her, watching her mock me and grip her leg as she howled out in laughter.

"All this for some dick?" I was truly in a state of disbelief. Her face quickly straightened and she shifted in her seat before scooting to the edge and leaning forward. Her face coming so close that I could feel her hot breathe on me as she inhaled and exhaled softly.

"I don't only want dick baby. I want you, I want you to claim me for everyone to see, I want you to cut off that ex of yours, and I want money. My kids also need someone to look up to as a father and you seem like you would be a good one." My mouth dropped at the last thing and out of instinct I pushed her back into the couch. Before she could say anything, my hands were wrapped around her neck and I pressed down firm. All I was seeing was her and a red background.

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