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November 10th: 4 months 1 week


"Can you just come downstairs Makayla? Damn, I want you to meet someone

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"Can you just come downstairs Makayla? Damn, I want you to meet someone." Brooklyn rolled her eyes before fighting to get out of bed. Nylah shook her head and walked downstairs with Brooklyn trailing behind her. She looked at the lady sitting in her living room as if she wasn't a new guest to the house.

 She looked at the lady sitting in her living room as if she wasn't a new guest to the house

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"Brooklyn I want you to meet Bernice. Bernice, this is my best friend Brooklyn." Yes, it was the same Bernice who met with Chris. Yet Brooklyn has no knowledge of that and she wasn't going to be notified of that any time soon.

"Uh hi. What's going on?" Brooklyn awkwardly chuckled while moving her hand in a little circle. Bernice looked at Nylah and Nylah looked back at Bernice.

"Well, Nylah called me here to help you with your relationship with-."

"Nylah!" Brooklyn yelled while stomping her feet. One thing she hated more than anything was people who she didn't know being all up in her business. Nylah scrunched up her face and smacked her lips before turning to go upstairs.

"I know you probably feeling like oh, who the fuck is this bitch. But honestly, I just wanna help. From what I've been told about the relationship between the two of you, you're scared and he's lost." Bernice had to take a more calm approach when it came to Brooklyn simply because Nylah told her that she was pregnant. Bernice didn't want a pregnant lady snapping on her cause she would snap right back. It would be best if that could all just be avoided. Brooklyn was about to say something but her doorbell cut her off.

"Who in the hell." She mumbled while walking towards the door. She looked through the little peep hole only to see her big head brother. She smacked her lips before yanking the door open. A wide smile spread across his face from seeing his favorite sister.

"I missed you Brookie." He poked his lip out and made a sad face. Brooklyn chuckled before spreading her arms. Being the big baby he was, Bryan happily accepted the hug with his sister, laying his head on her chest.

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