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August 20th: 3 weeks


"Chris stop!" Yasmine giggled as I continued to tickle her

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"Chris stop!" Yasmine giggled as I continued to tickle her. I was hovered over her on the couch and she was under me squirming all over.

"Nah, what's all that shit you was talking earlier?!" I yelled causing her to laugh harder. Her cheeks turning red and tears starting to come out of her eyes from how hard she was laughing.

"I- I'm sorry." She breathlessly responded causing me to let up from being on top of her. She took the initiative to crawl on my lap, straddling me while staring at me. I grabbed her chin and brought her face towards mines, sharing a slow kiss.

"Is it really appropriate to be kissing your assistant Mr.Brown?" She joked while running her hand through my curls. I shrugged before thinking of something cheesy to say.

"If it's wrong then baby, I don't wanna be right." She stared at my straight face for a minute before we both fell into a fit of laughter. She mushed my head in a playful manner causing me to chuckle.

"You so damn corny boy." She shook her head while calming down from her laughter. She yawned and laid her head on my shoulder before wrapping her short arms around me.

"I tired." She said in a baby voice. I picked her up and flipped her around, once again hovering on top of her.

"Daddy might need to wake you up." She smirked at my words. I was bout to kiss her again before we got interrupted.

"Can y'all niggas not! Damn, you supposed to be the assistant and y'all in here bout to fuck!" Hoody yelled as he walked in with Trey and Keeis following behind him. Yasmine quickly sat up, fixing her hair and her clothes.

She waved a quick hello before scurrying off to her office. I rolled my eyes and stood up, making my way down to the studio. I already knew the conversation that they were about to try to have and the studio was soundproof. I wouldn't want Yasmine to hear anything if they were going to be disrespectful towards her.

"Nigga what the fuck you got going on?!" Trey yelled as soon as we walked in. All of them sat down and just stared at me, awaiting a response.

"Man, why y'all care so much about what I'm doing with her? She just here to keep me company and shit. Brooklyn still not trying to give me the time of day so what am I supposed to do?"

"Are you dumb or stupid? You cheated on sis nigga, not the other way around. You so damn horny that you gon fuck the next bitch-."

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